How It Happened - Part 14

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------- YEAR: 2017 -------

Frank sat peacefully in his own little world of making fun of people over the internet and laughing to himself. "Haha, loser." But he suddenly felt something. It was hard to explain but it didn't feel right. It felt like something was watching him, with him, trying to get him to do something. "The fuuuhhh..." But he brushed it off as nothing.
Then something happened. A sound. An all too familiar sound. First silent but it grew louder and louder by the minute. "...Oh my god."

Ray had been feeling it too, just not as bad. Not as bad at all. He heard it, but he kind of enjoyed it, the way it reminded him of the older times and it made him happy. Ray's just a happy boi.

Extreme chills ran down his back yet he didn't seem to be bothered by it at all. But others noticed.
"...Are you okay? That's the fifth chill this week," Kristin informed him.
"Mhm," he said straight-faced as always.

Bob was always shaking. Being a crackhead sure is hard. He hardly noticed the noise nor the extreme chills. He just thought the crack had finally gotten to him.
"WHAT HAS THE BEEF BALONEY SANDWICH FORSAKEN ON ME!?" he asked one of his many cats.

Little did anyone else know, the same thing was happening to Gerard and it had been worse with him. It had been there for a long time as well.
Gerard sat in his closet, staying extremely quiet.
Lynz opened the door slowly. "Hey, honey. You ok-"
"Ssh!" he whispered to her. "It's back..."
Lynz, looking worried, sat next to him. "It'll go away soon."
"You have no room to talk. You don't hear. You dont hear it, right?"
Lynz paused. She had done this with Gerard plenty of times now but he asked almost everyday. "No, no I don't think I do."
Gerard covered his ears. "Its so loud now..." he whimpered. "It started off so soft, like it wasn't there, but it is and it's so loud now." He let go of his ears soon after. "But what if..." He seemed shocked. "Oh my god..."


Frank's phone rang and he picked it up immediately. "Hello?" At this point he was just as paranoid as Gerard.
"Frank, it's me."
"Yeah, now listen. You gotta come down to California. We need you here" Gerard's voice cracked a bit.
"Hey, there's something that I've really been meaning to talk with you about-" Frank replied.
"We can discuss it with everyone else, okay? J-Just come, alright." Gerard was obviously in a rush of sorts. "We'll all be meeting at my house. I know you know where I live...creepy ass mf."
"...We should really talk over the phone more," Frank suggested twirling his hair around his finger like a teenage girl.
"...No thanks." And Gerard hung up.


Frank knocked on the door to Gerard's house, greeted by Lynz. "Hey! It's been a long time!"
"Uhu. So where is everyone?" Frank asked.
"🗿 Mhm. They're in Gerard's room."
"Thanks, Gerard's mom," Frank said running up the stairs.
"Wait, don't you need me to show you where it is?" Lynz asked.
Frank laughed. "I think you've underestimated my ability to know where Gerard is at all times." He leaned over the railing a bit. "I can smell him, Lynz..." And he continued up the stairs.
"...Bitch, what?"

Frank opened the door. Everyone was sitting on the floor like kids. "Hi."
"Ah, Frank! What a surprise!" Gerard said standing up.
"You invited me-"
"Come sit down, will you?"
Frank sat down, saying hi to both Mikey and Ray. "Where's Bob?"
Everyone looked around.
"To be honest," Ray began, "I kind of forgot he was even in My Chem with us."
"Eh. Who cares," Frank responded.
"Anyway, I've come to discuss some...uh...serious matter with all of you. I need to know if it's happening to you too..."
Everyone looked around at each other.
"Gerard, what are you even saying?" Mikey asked.
"Wait!" Gerard announced. "It's coming. I can feel it. I know..."
Everyone waited for a bit and then it hit them. The all shook. It was the crippling feeling again.
"AH HA!" Gerard yelled. "So it's been happening to all of you, as well?!"
"Yeah," Frank responded. "That's what I wanted to talk about over the phone."
Ray looked away, hoping he wouldn't sound crazy. "I've...also been hearing-"
"Welcome to the Black Parade!" Gerard finished.
Everyone nodded, agreeing that they had heard the same thing. And then it begun but this time, something was very different.
"This isn't the Black Parade," Mikey said. "Fake your death..?"
Gerard stood up. "Oh my god." In shock, he looked down at eveyone. "I think that's ridiculous."
Ray stood up next to him. "It wants us to get back together. Whatever it is."
Frank stood up as well and squealed. He hopped out the door seeming extremely happy.
"The fuck is he doing," Mikey asked.
And in the blink of an eye he was back with a guitar case. "I bring Pansy everywhere I go just incase, I don't know, I ran into Gerard or someone else and we decided to maybe get back together. Ya know.
Gerard gasped and ran up the stairs to the attic, bringing down an old looking, dusty box. "COSTUME!"
And for the rest of the night, the boys tried to fit in their old attire. Not many of the outfits fit, sadly, but they made due. And that's totally how MCR got back together. Uhu. A mysterious force brought them all together which created such a huge shift in time and space that they were forced to get back together and all live happily ever after.
What will happen to the boys next? Who knows...

What will happen to the boys next? Who knows

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Sorry that this chapter seemed a little more serious and not as funny as they usually do but I had the idea and decide to just write it down! Anyway, I'm super happy about the reunion and stuff so I will hopefully be doing more of these! (not that anyone cares but these are just fun to write)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2019 ⏰

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