ooowee, its part tHrEe

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"Umph." Gerd sighed. "Uh...I think it's stuck."

"What do you mean 'you it's stuck'?" Dank asked Gerd.

Mikey tried not to laugh, but let some out anyway.

"Shut up, Mikey. This is serious." His arm was stuck in one of the shelves with milk on it. He was so excited to obtain the milk, he punched it a little too hard and now his arm was stuck.

He tried pulling it out again. No use, my guy. "I don't get why you two followed me here anyway!"

"Because we needed more Dora fruit snacks ANYway!" Frank replied, crossing his arms.

"I swear this is your guys' fault."

"How?!" Mikey asked.

"Not really you, Mikey. I swear that Fronk pushed me."

"Why would I push you?!"

Gerd just looked at him with a straight face. "Because you're you." Frickity-Frank just looked at him.

Mikey sighed. He was getting inpatient. "What are we supposed to do? We can't really help."

"I don't know, but I'm not staying here all night."

Mikey turned around. "Maybe he can help." He pointed at a tall lad. "Can you help us for a second?"

It was Dallon Weekends. "Oh. Hi, Mikey. What do you need?"

"My idiotic brother got his hand stuck when he was getting milk."

"Okay, but how does that even hap-"

"I honestly don't even question it anymore."

While Gerald and Frank waited for Milkey Way to get back, Fronk looked around. "Im leaving. This is boring."

"No! Fronk! Please! You can't leave me here! I need you."

"Shut up. You'll be fine."

"No. My pants are extra tight today, like... Also, I don't just wanna be here alone - that one guy with his hand stuck in the milk section - with no one to talk to."

"First of all, why did I need to know that your pants were tight? Second of all...I don't care." He was getting ready to sprint.

"Frickity-Frank Oreo! If you run, when I get outta here, I'm gonna make you cHoKe on BeAnS."


"Why are you okay with that?"

"...Because I CAN be."

Spikey cane back with Dillon. "He is here to help."

Dickery-Dallon looked at him. "Just cut off his arm.

"Yeah. I'm okay with that decision," Frank replied, also looking at Gerald.

"Wait, wait, wait! Frank! Why would you-uh! No! I'm not doing that! I'm keeping booth my ARMS!"

"Well then I've got nothing else. Sorry Spikey." Then Dallon skiddadled away.

A Succulent Moment of Beaning Around to Remember - MCRWhere stories live. Discover now