🅱️epsi and Bert - Part 8

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Gerard screeched from the bathroom. Frank, who was still questioning his life, was sitting in the couch. He sat up and burst into the bathroom.

"You okay, my bro?"

"Yeah. But, uh, first of all, why did you burst I to the bathroom before I could say anything? Second of all, we're out of eyeliner."

"Yeah. I might have, sorta, kinda used that all."

"For what? I swear to got, if you say 'for ice cream', I'm calling Chris Hansen."

"We'll talk about it later. For now, why do you need EXTRA eyeliner? Seems to me that you have enough."

"Shut up. I invited someone." The door bell rang just in time because that's how cheesy this is gonna be now, I guess.

Milkey walked over to the door to open it, but Gerard pushed him out of the way, hitting a wall. Milkey then acquired crippling depression. Gerard laughed for a few seconds, but then, he opened the door. There was Bert. He had a luscious, blonde weave.

“You got the food stuff?” Gerard whispered. He was a really bad whisper-er, though, so Frank heard him anyway and got curious.

“Yeah,” Bert croaked. The two lads skidaddled into the kitchen. Bert took some stuff out of a bag.

Frank slithered over to the kitchen, too. “What are you guys doing?” he asked sweetly, trying to get them to spill the bEANS.

“Can I tell him?” Gerard hesitantly asked Bert. Beet nodded. “We found God.”

“What?” Frank wished he hadn't asked in the first place. “My only God is DESTROYA.”

“Yes. We know,” Gerard replied. “But look at tHiS.” Bert took out some Bepsi. Frank le gasped. Then...he mixed it with the milk. Frank fell down. “ILLEGAL! NOT ALLOWED!” he screeched.

Gerald grabbed him and put this hand over his mouth. “Shut up! You know Milkey us the God of milk. We can let him know, okay? This a secret that I'm trusting you with, alright?” Frank nodded. “Good, lad.” Gerald went back to his business.

Suddenly, Frank screamed “MILKEY! I HAVE FOUND SIN!"

Mikey ran down the stairs, his eyes red and full of lens flares. “What ever could you mean, Fronk? We are in a Christan environment?” He said it very calmly, though, although he had been running.

Beet disappeared into a puff of black-Juul smoke, leaving Gerard to try to hide everything. Fronk just stood there. “Suffer...” he told himself under his breath.


Sadly, Gerard couldn't clean in time. “So, Fronk. What's the mat–GERARD!? WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!”

“N–Nothing...” Mikey pushed him out of the way.

“Gerard. What is this..?”

“I–I can expl–”

“No, no. No need. Just...Just come with me.” He did was he was told. He was pretending to smile.

- - -

Minuets later, Gerard came back, his eyes wide with fear.

“What happened?” Frank asked. He had been sitting on the couch.

Gerard sat next to him, not making eye contact. “I don't wanna talk about it...”

(I'll leave that part to your imagination, because I couldn't think of anything. Yw. )

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