Greeting and Confusion :') - Part 11

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(Current time: 4:12 AM)

Gerard woke up and T-posed his way out of his room. We slid into Mikey's room, who was still very much asleep.

Gerard stood over him and breathed heavy, still T-posing. "It is time, my son."

Mikey woke up and flinched. "What...What are you doing?"

"It's. Time."

It took Mokey a moment, but then he remembered. "Oh, yeah. Right."

There was a very awkward silence.

"So why do you need me?"

"Well, you attract much wahman."

Mikey blushed. "Well I-"

"So yeah."

Mikey coughed. "Well...I mean, I don't wanna have anything to do with something that goes wrong in your life, so I'm just sorta not gonna be a part of this."

He took a deep breath, still T-posing and being very serious. "Fine then," he told him. "I'll have to do it myself, and I'll do it better."

- - -

A few minutes later, there was a knock on their door.

"MIKEY!" Gerard yelled. "GET THE DOOR!"

Mikey sighed and opened the door. "Oh hi, uh, um-"


"Yeah sorry. Come in. :)"

"Thank you."

"So, uh, why did you come here? I mean, doesn't my brother kinda seem like a crackhead?" he asked her.

"I guess. But one of my band members is definitely a crackhead and you can't convince me other wise."

"How so?"

"He screams 'Daddy' a lot. :')"

"Oh, ha ha. yeah..." Mikey was pretty uncomfortable with this random behind girl coming all up in his house. He hadn't had normal human contact in days. "Hey, so-"

Then Gerard came down the stairs. "Hi."

"Hello," Lyn-Z replied. "So, um, what are we gonna do?"

"We're going to McDonald's."


"Well yeah. Only the most romantic place."


"I hope you don't mind, but I'm bringing my lads, too."

"Isnt this kind of a you-and-me thing?"

"...Yeah, but they're my bois."

"Oh, okay. :')"

So, everyone made their way to the bands grand white van that they definitely didn't kidnap people in, and drove to McDonald's. At this point, Lyn-Z was pretty much questioning her life decisions.

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