bean stand off

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Mikey gave Frank a death stare. “My beans! YOU had my beans!”

Frank turned away from Gerard and turned to Mikey. “No I didn't.”

“You're holding it!”

Frank looked down. “That's, uh...DEANut butter...”

“W-Why can't it just be nut butter, ya know?” Mokiey and Fronk both just looked at Gerald. “Yeah, yeah. You're right. I'm...I'm just gonna sit back done now.”

“Give me the BEANut butter, Frank, and no one has to get hurt.” He held his hand out.”


“Fronk, I'm about to slippity-slap you...”

Frank tried to escape by trying to dickery-dash around Mokiey and make a run for it, with the BEANUT butter, of course. But before he could get to his destination, Gerrrrd grabbed his throat. “ACK!” The beanut butter dropped. “M-My beanut butter!” he croaked out.

Spikey snatched the beanut butter and opened the top. Spank was still struggling for air. Gerald was just standing here. This was normal.

Mikey gasped. “There...There's a hole in my beanut butter. Why is there a HOLE in my beanut butter, FRANK?!”

Frank tried to speak but it was kinda impossible. Mikey signaled for Gerd to let him go, which he did.

“Im sorry, Dank Mario.” Gerd said, sadly.

He coughed. “Thanks.”

“Oh, you're wel–wait...”

“wElL?” Mikey was still waiting for his answer. “Dont tell me you were just EATING it! That's a SACRILEGE!”

“Okay. I won't tell you that I used a spoon I found to eat your beanut butter in Gerard's closet.”

Mikey looked angery and like he was gonna cry. “I'M GONNA KILL YOU!” Spikey leapt up and began to fight the smol Fronk. Gerard creept into a corner of his bed. “My waifus will protect me,” he mummed under his breath.

“Hey!” Mikey screeched. “You can't bite people!”


Suddenly, Raygun showed up. “wHaT is happening here?!”

Gerard put his hands up. “I had nothing to do with it, I swear.”

Raygun noticed Fronk and Moikey fighting over the beanut butter. “Frank! Put it dow–”

Before he could finish, Bob bibbity-boppitied into the room, just reappearing, and grabbed the can of beanut butter and ran to Rad.

Ray questioned it, but still went with it. “You'll get this back when you learn to act like a real LAD!”

“B...WHAT DID I DO!?” Milky yelled. “I JUST WANT SOME BEANUT BUTTER, MY GUY!” Ray and Bobert walked away. Mikey stared at Frank.

Gerard looked at both the bois on the floor. “So...should I leave or should yo–”

“Im going to kill you, Fronk. Sleep with one eye open...”

“Herald will protect me!” He retreated to Gerard.

“Oh hEck, nah!” They continued to argue. Milkey slipped by and dashed into the kitchen. Since there was no beanut butter, Mikey had to use pickle juice for his burnt toast.

It was a sad day.

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Happy March 22nd :,)

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