Chapter 9- Aint This Bout A B*tch

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To What I Owe You

Chapter 9- Aint This Bout A B*tch

"I learned a lot, not enough of course, but a lot. Like who to trust, who not to, and how to be open to new shit. That's why I'm here right now, talking to you so openly."


The next few days came, and went. I got discharged from the hospital early, and Kevin got released a couple days after. Before he did I spent a lot of time up there just kicking it with him. As sad as it is to say, he's actually not the annoying nigga I thought he was; he's smart, and passionate about a lot of shit. He's real soft, like on the inside. He'll talk your head off, and it works for us. He does all the talking, and occasionally I'll say some shit to add to the conversation, but otherwise we'd just sit, I'd listen. Between him and his family that came up often times when I was there, and my family who were still kicking it in town it was a lot of talking and socializing and tonight when I get off of work it'd be no different.

Tonight my pops had invited Kevin, and his family over to come for dinner and a few games of spades as some way to kick it, and thank him now that he's released. I'm no social butterfly so this shit been exhausting to put up with everyone but in some way I'm kind of happy everyone coming over. It means my family will be out my ass, and up their's with a billion questions. For once I could just sit and not have to listen because more than likely, won't nobody care to talk to me too much. This how I like things.

This has been my first day back at work since everything, and the talking hasn't slowed down not one bit. Mr.Tony, and Chasity riddled me with questions even though I didn't too much want to answer them all. Wasn't shit to be said anymore, everything that happened, happened and as much as I'd love to have niggas found, and beat to death damn near I ain't getting no justice any time soon, and there ain't some beautiful story to end this tragedy. They were there, they know what I know, and that's it.

I kept watching the clock until the hour read six on the dot letting me know I was free to go. "I'm gone Mr. Tony!"

He turned his head towards me from the door to the back that he was standing by. Realizing what I meant he started to walk towards me while I took the red apron from over my head and started to hang it on the hook near back.

"Six o'clock already, huh?"

"Yup," I nodded "I'm about to head home."

"You got a ride coming for you?"

"Yup, gonna meet him on the corner" I lied.

Mr.Tony nodded in approval letting me know he ate the shit right up and giving me a free pass to head to the door. Waving my goodbyes to Chasity I quickly walked across the squeaky hardwood floors, and out the heavy front door. I definitely ain't have a ride tonight and considering everything that happened to me not too long ago, you'd think I'd find a ride home, but I feel like I've been so overwhelmed with the presence of everyone in my life that time by myself is something that I really need.

Don't get me wrong, like I said, I appreciate my family being here, appreciate my parents for putting the bullshit aside for once and worrying about bigger, but at the end of the day being around other folks is so stressful. I don't have energy to keep up conversations and I don't have energy for all these different energies in a room to keep track of. That's why when I was back in Chicago I kept my few home girls and that was it. It saved me energy and kept me sane in a way; to keep my circle small.

I kept walking down the street minding my own business, and soaking up the time alone until I heard a familiar voice coming out of the liquor store I had just passed. I rolled my eyes realizing, but kept up my pace until I heard footsteps closely coming up on me. Making me snap around quickly only to find Deuce slowing his pace once he seen that I stopped. 

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