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4:48 A.M.

"hey siri" 

doo doo

"voice call thank u, next" 

making a voice call to thank u, next...



almost immediately, violet lets out a large exhale...that she'd been holding in. violet hadn't even thought of calling brandon since...well, since last week but thats besides the point. she wasn't going to call him...not until, he or nick gave her a good reason and if telling the whole world that she was still saved in his phone was a good reason, I don't know what is. 

"vio?" brandon's voice rang through the speakers, you could practically hear the hope in his voice...even if It was almost four in the morning, he'd still answer her call just like old times. 

violets line was silent, his voice caught her by surprise and off guard...she didn't expect for the idiot to answer so quickly. 

"violet? please talk to me..." brandon sighed over the line, running a sad yet semi frustrated hand through his now curly hair. 

violet sat up in her bed and looked around her room, memories of everything Brandon and her had flowed through her mind just by hearing that sigh. 

it was that same sigh that used to be followed with a smile after she would tell a corny joke. or the same sigh right before he would make a detour in their errands to buy her ice cream. the same sigh he made when he realized that he'd lost the love of his life by being stupid...as fuck, someone had to say it. 

"okay, violet...I know that you're there and if you don't want to talk, that's perfectly fine with me. I just want to say that I kept your number saved- well obviously, brandon she's not fucking stupid...," brandon sighed once again causing the girl to giggle slightly, remembering how flustered he'd used to get around her on dates. 

"I kept your number saved because I hoped one day you'd call me, lord knows I wouldn't have had enough balls to do it...have you met me? violet...I've been hoping that one day that you'll say you're missing me the way that I've been missing you" brandons words caused a swarm of butterflies to go through the girls stomach, yet a headache to start in her head. 

its unfair. 

"I hoped that I would've had the pride to call you, so you'd know that I'd be there for you—no one and I mean it will be able to hold you down the way that I do, okay?" brandons voice was on began to crack as he spoke, he'd never been the one to say how he was feeling. he only did that through music. not real words. 

"I still have all of our pictures and gifts... do you still have the framed sunflower?-" 


"vio" brandon knew that her next words were gonna hurt HARD, he just didn't want her to say what he was thinking. 

"brandon, I hope you find a love like what we used to have somewhere else but, I want you to stop. forget about me like I'm trying to do for you. bub-er- brandon i want you to leave me alone, I'm with drew now...you have to stop...okay? I'm done with this roller coaster of emotions that you've put me through for the past few months. lose my number, find someone else" violet hung up the phone as she finished her sentence. 

she thought that this would be easier for her but, why did it hurt so much? he hurt her...not the other way around. why was he still in her brain. why couldn't she stop her feelings.

brandon dropped his phone on the floor as he listened to violet speak, rolling back over in her bed the boy let out a muffled scream into his pillow, crying as he felt all of the pain violet felt in the first breakup. 

sadly, this felt ten times worse. 

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