chapter 1. ♡

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"yah! beom! get back here!" chinsun shouted for the boy.

"no!" he yelled and kept running.

chinsun pouted and stopped running. she wasn't having his crap today.

even though she was very athletic, she was way too lazy to chase that child.

she stopped running and sat down on the stairs.

"hey, what's wrong?" beomgyu asked, his face softening.

chinsun took this to her advantage and leaned in and snatched her phone from him.

beomgyu couldn't help but get flustered.

beomgyu and chinsun has been best friends for approximately 13 years. they were inseparable.

beomgyu asked his mother if he could stay at chinsun's house until school officially started up again. it being the last week of summer, his mom said yes.

he had already stayed over for 2 days, now only 2 were left.

"i'm boredddd." beomgyu whined.

"then do something." chinsun replied staring at him.

"why don't we go out and get boba?" he asked knowing full- well that chinsun hated boba.

"you know i hate boba rat." she sassily replied.

"so? you can watch me drink my boba then." he  offered giving her a playful smile.

"fine." she sighed.

the truth was, she only agreed, because she had a major crush on the boy. cliché right? (yeah i know. i'm unoriginal.) she's had a crush on him since, 7th grade. she was only 13 at the time, and didn't understand what love meant. well, she still doesn't quite fully grasp the concept.

every time a boy would ask her out, she'd politely decline, every time a girl asked beom out, he'd politely decline as well. for, he always asked his dear friend, chinsun if she was good enough or not.

obviously, chinsun being the wonderful girl she is, would say, "beomie, i can't decide who's perfect for you, you decide that on your own. if you truly like her then, go for it."

{time skip (first day of school)}

"sunny!" beom cried out.

"what?" she replied still groggy from just waking up.

"get up! it's the first day of school!" he said while grabbing her small body and pushing her to the bathroom.

chinsun quickly showered and finished her morning routine. she walked out of the bathroom, and put on some clothes.

"good enough." she said and slipped on some white vans, grabbed her car keys, and ran out the door where beomgyu was leaning on the car waiting for her.

"took you long enough." he scoffed.


they soon made it to school and headed to their lockers. coincidentally, their lockers were right beside each other. they got all the things needed, and headed to their first class, math.

beomgyu headed to his 4 other friends, but chinsun didn't have any other friends besides beomgyu.

he always tried to invite her to join them, but she didn't want to invade their time together so, she made up different excuses, mostly that her other friends wanted to hang out, but in reality she didn't. have any other friends.

she'd rather have one really good and loyal friend, than have a lot of friends that are fake.

the bell rung and Mrs. Han, (their teacher) walked in announcing, '' today, there will be a new student.''

all the students turned their eyes to the front, curious to see who it was.

a girl walked in, '' hello! my name is choi jangmi. please take care of me.'' she said while looking at the class.

''please go sit by chinsun.'' Mrs. Han instructed.

chinsun slowly raised her hand and jangmi made her way over there.

''let's be friends.'' jangmi told chinsun.

'' ok.'' chinsun said while smiling.

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