Chapter 3 - Learning the Basics

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( Lemme see my stats, hmm ).


Yato Jun - Human

Health - Normal

State - Normal




Skill Creation. (usable once per day)

Strength Enhancer Stage 1.

(Usable once per day, that's why ).

"It only shows what race I am, my state and what skills I have, will it show more soon or something?" I asked.

"Yes, it'll add more when you get more skills." He replied.

"So, will we be able to get to your world if we wanted to?" Airi asked.

"Yes, but you will need a certain skill called Dimensional Transportation, but it's really hard to get so it'll take you two a while to get that skill. I'll be going for now, sayonara!".

"Wa-WAIIT!" .


And he was gone, back to his own world.

Airi and Jun both sighed.

< I'm feeling tired...>

"Ju-" Interrupted by fainting.

"I'll let her sleep for now, she's probably tired,"

He then does an S with his index finger directed on Airi.



Kamashi Airi - Human

Health - Fine (Unknown disease causes fainting from time to time)

State - Fainted

(Interesting, this'll tell me the state of Airi, I guess).

Jun comes downstairs with Airi in his arms.


"Jun, what happened?"

"Airi suddenly fainted, what should I do? Also..."

"W-we didn't tell you but... When the Kami disappeared, he gave me and Airi skills of some sort...".

"I understand why you wouldn't tell me that Jun, but we should give Airi some rest. Come, let's put her on the bed," Jun's mom replied.

Airi has returned to normal the following morning, and Jun soon gets interrogated by the police.

"What happened to the classroom?" Asked the authorities.

(My acting should be good enough)

"I don't know, I was hanging out with my childhood friend when it happened, when we got back... my classmates... weren't there anymore. There was a lesson happening, so that makes it even more weird..."

(I lied...)

"All right, I guess we'll let you go for now, as you don't seem to have any information on what happened."

When Jun got to school, the principal led him to a different class, since Class 1-A is now gone.

"This is Class 1-B Jun, your friend should also be here by tomorrow. I hope you get along well," She said happily.

"Hey, hey, you're Yato, right?" they all said.

"What about it?" I replied.

"Tell us, what actually happened!"

(These people are so annoying!)

"The class disappeared, I don't know how so stop asking me." I said with an annoyed voice.

"Alright, everyone. Give Yato some space.", said the teacher.

A boy with red hair and around Jun's height appears.

"Hello there, Jun. My name is R Johan, but call me Johan" He happily said.

"Hi..?" I responded

(He's interesting).

"Hope we get along, don't ye?"

"Sure.." I replied.

The teacher interrupts.

"Alright class, get to your seats. Yato, your seat is behind Johan, the bottom left seat beside the window.".

World x World ( Continued )Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora