Chapter 5 - Terror!

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"Why'd you bring me here?"

"So we can ask you to make a Literature club with us!" Airi said.

"A literature club..?" Johan responded confused.

"Yeah, so we can hone our skills. You'll probably unlock new skills while at it, too." I said.

"I don't mind.. so.. sure!".

"All right, let's go to the staff room!" says Airi with joy.


Mr. Tohka didn't supervise any club so they asked him.

"You guys want to make the literature club?" He asked.

"Yeah", we said.

"Alright, wait here."

Mr. Tohka grabs some paperwork.

"Okay! Just get these signed and give them back to me afterwards.".

"Alright, sensei."

    Form to Create a Club

Names - Yato Jun, Kamashi Airi, R Johan.

Club - Literature Club.

Year - First Years

    Reason of Creating

"We want to spread the world with Literature"

Please hand this back to your advisor.

"Here you go, sensei!"

"Alright, okay okay. I'll lead you to your room."

Mr. Tohka drops them off to the new Literature Club Room.

"Enjoy this room, I'll come back later to give you stuff to work on, have fun!."

"Goodbye, sensei!"Airi shouts.

"See you later, Mr. Tohka". Says Jun.

"Thank you, and goodbye!" Johan replies.

"Okay guys, let's start playing around with things to see if we can get skills from it.".

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, try using a stick and play with it like a sword to see if you'll get any sword skills or something, ye know?" Airi said.

( Jun grabs his hand knife from his bag and lends it to Johan ).

"Here Johan." I said.

"Why do you have a knife in your bag, Jun?" Johan asked.

"Safety reasons."

"Anyways, just try using it like a sword".

Johan tries using the knife like he's in kendo.

    Skill Kendo Style Stage 1 -

Stage 1 - Feels like he's practiced for a few months.

"It works!" we all shouted.

"Stage 1? I guess I'll have to keep on practicing my kendo skills, but it should be able to reach stage 2."

"Also, have you seen the news?" Airi asked.

"The news about the terrorists coming to Japan?" Jun replied.

"Yeah, apparently they were at Hiragana last time they were on the news."

"Anyways, I'm going to make myself a new skill." Jun says.

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