Chapter 14 - Regret

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Karie screamed due to the pain she received, "Yo-you bastard!" Jun shouted at Yuri-O, he started to laugh.

"H-he sliced off her pinky!" Johan said while he backed down.

Shikara rushed at Yuri-O while he was still laughing, Yuri-O noticed and pushed him back with some skill they don't know about yet.

"Tsk!" Shikara gritted his teeth, he notices Airi and Jun are in shock after seeing Jun's mom's finger sliced off right in front of them.

"Airi, Jun! Get to your senses! It's not the time to falter!" Meiko shouted at Airi, and Jun in a shocked face as well.

Who would have known this would have worked, Yuri-O was thinking in his mind while laughing at them. He glanced at Jun and pushed him with the unknown skill.

Jun hurts his elbow because he was pushed to the ground, he grit his teeth, "O- You..." he paused.

Jun started to think about a strategy to back them off and get his mother back.

(< Airi.. >)

(< Ye-yeah Jun..? >)

(< Use appraisal on him. >)

(< A-alright! >)

Airi used appraisal on Yuri-O.


Skill user

Race - Undead


X-Ray Stage 3 - Allows user to see objects that a normal eye can't ( Stage 3 removes the blurriness )

Push Stage 2 - Allows user to push a person within a radius of 10 meters.

Illusion - Allows user to distort an object to make it look different.


(< Some skills can't be processed Jun! >)

(< Well alright then, what skills does he have? >)

(< He has X-Ray stage 3, Push Stage 2, and Illusion! >)

(Pu- illusion! That's it! He's been deceiving us the whole time! >)

Jun smiled, "You've been using your illusion skill the whole time! I won't fall for it this time, mom didn't lose her finger." he angrily shouted. Yuri-O froze for a few seconds and replied, "You won't know if she lost her finger or not! How about we make a deal!" he grinned and bluffed.

Yuri-O's non existent heart skipped a beat when he heard that Jun said he was using his illusion skill, he almost stuttered when bluffing.

Jun got even angrier, "I won't fall for a bluff! You'll hand my mom back, you fake!" he roared, "Calm down!" Airi shouted, "We shouldn't be getting angry, it'll make the situation worse..." Airi explained to Jun.

Jun grit his teeth, "B-but!" he calmed down, "Okay... Sorry guys."

Meiko looked at Airi, "Okay Jun, what will we do..?" she asked in a soft voice. Jun replied, "We'll make the deal." he said lying to Meiko.

Johan and Shikara noticed what he was trying to do, so they played along by acting like they actually were trying to question him.

Jun as well, noticed they were playing along, "Wh-what else can we do!" he 'snapped' but calmed down afterwards. Yuri-O started to laugh at what was happening.

They're acting Yuri-O was thinking. He didn't realize that Jun was reading his thoughts and fell for the trap.

Yuri-O stopped laughing, "Alright then, let's stop playing around and make the deal." he said while holding a knife hidden.

But Jun already knew his plan so Jun just in case something happened, made Meiko turn a extra knife invisible, on his back, he never turned his back to Yuri-O, so he doesn't know that he has a knife as well. They walked closer to each other to the point they were almost face to face, Jun activated his strength enhancer and pulled out his knife at the same time Yuri-O did, "I already knew you were acting!" Yuri arrogantly said while grinning.

Jun smiled, "You forgot there are 5 of us!" Jun shouted while Johan joined the fight and activated his defense enhancer. "Tsk!"

Shikara joined the fight a few seconds afterward, Yuri-o tried activating his skill push but failed since he can't do it when 3 people are fighting him simultaneously.

Shikara grinned, "Your bluff didn't work!" he laughed. Yuri-O grit his teeth "Arrogant! Call me a hypocrite if you want!" he shouted.

He started laughing maniacally, he then used a skill that they didn't know he had, a look alike of Yuri-O appeared, Jun froze for a second and almost got hit

Yuri-O laughed even more, "Sadly you never knew I had a skill like this!" he taunted, Shikara spat at him, "Bastard skill user."

He smiled, "That is your fault for underestimating me!" Yuri-O makes another clone and returns to the tied up Karie. He creepily smiled at her, Karie tried hitting him but failed because she was tied up pretty well.

Shikara finishes the clone fighting him, "It's not as hard as the real you, luckily." he mumbled then went on to help Johan with the clone he was fighting, "Goodbye clone #2!" Johan shouted as Shikara hit it in the heart.

He started laughing again, "Why're are you laughing!" Shikara asked in a ticked off voice. Yuri-O replied, "Those clones aren't even 50 percent of my strength, and it took you that long to finish them?" he tried provoking them. "At least we finished them!" shouted Johan in a also ticked off voice.

Jun started to speak again, "Stop, he's only trying to provoke you, anyways it's time to end this." he said to everyone. Yuri-O payed attention to Jun, "Oh? How ever will you end this?"

Jun's smile faded, "This."

Jun called for their god, Gamyu. He arrived a few seconds after the calling. He looked at Yuri-O and asked, "Who's this, Jun?"

Yuri-O froze in fear of the aura Gamyu is emitting, "He's my supposed to be deceased father." explained Jun.

"Hm, and what do you need?" Gamyu already knew this was a work of a demon.

"H-help me get my mom back!" he stuttered.

Gamyu smiled, "Alright then!" he said while walking over to Yuri-O

When Gamyu was about to disintegrate Yuri-O from the world of living, he vanished into thin air along with Karie.

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