Chapter 8 - Transfer Student

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Jun grit his teeth in anger.

"Sorry, Airi... If-" Interrupted by Airi.

"It's okay Jun." She smiled.

"You can't use your left arm anymore..!".

"Sorry, sorry!" Jun keeps on apologizing.

"I'm telling you Jun... It's okay, it's not your fault..." Airi tells Jun.

"If I didn't do that, you'd still have your left arm to use!" Jun shouted.

"JUN! It's okay, I'm still here! I'm not leaving, not yet!".

Airi proceeds to hug Jun while he starts to cry.

Johan barges in the room.

"ARE YOU OKAY, AIRI?!" shouts Johan.

"I'm fine." Airi smiled.

"I'll leave you two alone for now, I guess... I'll visit you later." Johan smiled.

"Jun, when will you stop hugging me?" Airi asked while smiling.

"I won't leave your side... When I feel like it, I will..." Jun says not looking at her.

"Well, alright, leave when it's time to eat." Airi says to Jun.

It's night already, Jun's fallen asleep on Airi's lap. She looks out the window looking at the crescent shape moon.

"Beautiful" perfect word for this night. Airi starts to sleep with a big smile on her face.

It's already tomorrow, Jun wakes up Airi.

"You're getting discharged soon, I'll call the nurse over to check on you." Jun smiled.

Jun leaves the room to get a nurse.

<Stop hiding your true feelings and acting cool, dummy.>

Airi giggled.

She starts getting checked.

"She'll be fine, she can get discharged right now." The nurse tells Jun.

"Thank you ma'am."

The nurse proceeds to leave the room.

"Well, let's go now, Airi."

"Go where?" Airi asked.

"To school, obviously!" Jun said.

"Shouldn't the school be closed?"

"No, they said just to act casually and go to school and not talk about what happened."

"Oh, kay then,"

Jun and Airi go home first to get changed. They eat lunch then start going to school.

12:45 PM - Friday, February 2032.

"Jun! Airi! You're here now!" Johan shouted with joy.


"Is your arm okay, Airi?' Asked the other students.

"It's fine, I just won't be able to use it." Airi replied.

"Oh, sorry for asking," Said the other students.

"It's okay," Airi smiled.

"Sit down, class." The teacher said.

Everyone goes back to their seats.

"We're getting a transfer student today." The teacher said.

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