Volume 2 Chapter 6 - Bang?

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Who, How and Where?

"Huh, gone..?".

"Where are those damn kids?!" The terrorist said in a ticked off voice.

"Tsk, I guess I'll go back to my job."

"Phew," they expressed.

"That was a close one!" says Johan in a tired voice.

"If those tools weren't there, he probably wouldn't have heard us!" Airi exclaimed.

"Quiet down, they can still hear us through this vent." Jun whispered to them.

"Okay!" Airi and Johan whispered.

"Let's take our time, they might find us if we crawl too loudly."

"Check where you're crawling, you might fall." Airi implied to them.

"That reminds me, Jun. Isn't your father a police who saved thousands of people during a terrorist attack?" Asked Johan.

Jun's father died 3 years ago because of the attack, he was shot through the heart.

Ever since that day, Jun swears on finding the sniper to get him arrested.

"Yeah, my father was..." Jun replied.


"He died in the terrorist attack, Johan haven't you wondered why he never popped up on the news?" Airi says to Johan.

Johan apologizes and becomes silent for asking such a thing.

"It's okay, my dad was stupid for trying to save thousands of people." Says Jun.

"That isn't true, Jun..." Airi implied.

"Yeah, what your dad did was the right thing." Johan says as he backs up Airi.

"Do you want to know the 'story' on how he actually died?" Jun says to Johan.

"If you're alright with it..." Johan replied.

"I'm fine with it. Oh, and my dad's name is Yuri."

"I know."

"Okay soo..."

Jun's POV as Narrator

"Yuri, let's retreat! There are too much terrorists here, don't try to be a hero!" The officer proclaimed.

"No can do sir. It is my duty as a Police Officer to save the lives of citizens. If I back down now... My son would be disappointed in me!" Yuri exclaimed to his fellow officer.

"Yuri... Alright, but you'd better come back alive!" Ordered the fellow Officer.

Yuri shouted "Yes, sir! I'll bring back thousands of people with me as well!"

Cries of fear everywhere as people are struck with such agony...

"HELP US!" A group of women and children shouted.

"I'll be right there! Hold on!"

The rocks were heavy, but he still tried to push it out of the way.

"Thank you so much, officer!" said the women as they pleaded with joy.

"It's my duty, just head over there and you'll find a safe place."

He does this over and over again until...

"I wonder if there are more people... It's unusual to not see many terrorists.." Yuri says with an uneasy feeling.

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