Chapter 15...

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8:36 PM

Jun grit his teeth, "That bastard..!" he shouted in an angry unsurprisingly loud enough voice for nearby birds to fly away.

Everyone sat down, with some pain around their body, except for Airi. Johan looked at Airi who already had tears dripping from her face, " So..." interrupted by Airi as soon as he spoke, "Sorry..! I'm sorry! I have these skills and I don't use them... I know! I'm useless!" she paused for a moment, she started to speak again, "I won't say if I did something... Maybe It'd be different... But, but I know that isn't true..."

Jun's face looked less angry and now looks like he's about to cry, "No... Stop crying Airi, we should go home for now... This isn't worth the time to be thinking this over, we need to start thinking about what we should d-" interrupted by something, "THIS IS YOUR FAULT AIRI, MOST DEFINITELY." Jun spoke in a demonic voice.

"Crap!" Gamyu starts to do something to Jun, Airi started to tear up more, "Wh-what is happening to Jun..!" she hastily asked. "Those demon skills are affecting him more in his saddened state! This isn't good, too much of this will... Turn him into something not human!" Gamyu responded in a worried voice.

Airi looks at Gamyu, then at Jun, "Jun! Jun!" she repeated. Then starts to tell him something and Johan, "I know this isn't necessary but... I lied..." she said. Johan with a confused face, "You lied about what..?" he asked, she responded, "About my parents passing away..."

Johan even more confused asked again, "Your parents aren't dead?", "They're dead... They didn't pass away... Jun's father, h-he's the one who killed them...

That's why I couldn't do anything, I was there when it all happened...

Don't feel sorry for me, my parents loved me and all, but... they weren't the greatest people, they murdered people right in front of me, and...

They always told me that it was the person's fault for some stupid reason, I guess Karma hit them when they tried murdering Jun's dad..."

Meiko asks, "If... If you don't mind, could you tell us about your past since we want to past some time till Jun's demon skills are locked..? You don't have too." she said in a quiet voice.

Meiko looks up, then down, "Sure..." she responded in a quiet raspy voice.

Airi looks up at the sky...


Airi's Talking

I wasn't born here, I lived with my family in Tohoku, in north west of Japan. I was living a really poor life til' Jun's father had a mission there to capture my parents, I didn't know they were criminals until Yuri came to my house, he came up to me saying, "Yo! How old ar' ye kid?"

I replied to him stuttering not knowing who Yuri really was, "U-uh... M-my name is A-airi and I'm se-seven! Wh-who are you mister..!" Yuri was smiling the whole time, I think it was just to spout out where my parents were.

He came up to me and told me he was a friend of my parents and he wanted to know where they were right now, he also told me not to tell my name to people I really don't know well.

I was that kid, childish, of course, I was easily influenced.

Then he looked me straight in the eye, saying, "You're the same age as my son!" he was smiling stupidly. I for some whatever reason opened up, we just kept talking about random stuff I don't even remember, but I wish I did remember.

He stared into the sky and told me he had to do something and he left quickly after that, ironically my parents came home, but I was young and didn't suspect anything.


I told them about Yuri, and they just hit me, telling me I was stupid, that was the first time I cried not as a baby, but out of fear...

They told me as they hit me, that I didn't listen and shouldn't have spoken to the man. My parents where the nicest people I thought.

I unknowingly slept for a few hours only to wake up to shouting... Unfortunately my... My dad had died to a gunshot for attempted murder. I was dumb... I tried stoppin' them, yeah my mother died hitting her head, tripping because of a table in the way.

I just stood there, watching my parents die, until Yuri came up to me, he told me, to go with him, enjoy my young childhood with his son. I hated him for doing that, and should've known better, but I for some reason I still went with him, I had nowhere else to go...

I had too...

A few days after that incident I met Jun, he was the brightest person I knew as a child, always listening, he wasn't mature as much as I was, but that was probably because he didn't experience what I had experienced.

Around that time, I did start to have a crush on him, but as you know a few years passed, and the terrorist attack had happened in 2029 killing tons of people.

Yuri made a promise to Jun saying he would come back, Jun had it hard...

Yuri had died...

We were 13, we didn't know what to do, especially me... I had changed my mature way to being a bit more goofy... Actually a lot more goofy.

No ones perspective

Johan interrupted Airi, "It's fine you don't have to talk about more." he said comforting her.

Maeko looked at Jun, "Everybody has a sort of dark future, I guess this really explains Jun's personality and why he usually looks so... Sad?"

Shikara jumped and shouted at everybody, "Stop you're giving me the sad feels, I don't need anymore sadness!" interrupted by Gamyu, "I'm done now! Just bring him to a hospital to get him checked, and while at it, you guys too, I'll be off now then. Don't get into any trouble alright!" he said disappearing into thin air.

Airi stood up with a happy face, she looked at everybody. "Alright! I'll get him to the hospital with my skill! I'll meet you guys there!" she started to activate her speed enhancer skill,

Airi activates the skill [Speed Enhancer]

She runs outta the alley in just a second carrying Jun.

A few hours has passed since then...

11:21 PM, Thursday. February 27, 2074.

Jun wakes up, "H-huh, what happened, to my mom and... Yuri...O?" this wakes up Airi who was sleeping on a chair beside the gatch bed Jun is resting on. She looked up at Jun and smiled at him, "You're finally awake... Dummy..!" she fell asleep right afterward.

Jun noticed the notebook on the table.

He opened up the book and started to flip the pages until he noticed one page...
The words written in the book said,

Dear Jun...

I hope...

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2019 ⏰

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