🌸Handsome ice become sweet and colourful🌸

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When you close your eyes
Your eyelashes show the pretty
When you keep grabbing my hand while you sleep
I know how important me in your life
When you sick
It makes me so worried and gloomy

You're a beautiful flower
Choi Min Ki

You're a beautiful flowerChoi Min Ki

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Ren was smiled.

Never thought Jr will be the romantic person.

Ren keeps the ring.

"Good morning, how are you? Where is Jonghyun? His here for 3 days of taking care of you, " Aron said.

"What!! im already sleep for 3 days," Ren shout.

"Rennie, are you oke?", Pinky enter her room.

" yes, im ok, " Ren said.

"Just weird of you. Why you only scared with a bug?", pinky laugh.

" pinky you know right since studied, " Ren said.

They spent the time with a laugh and eat fruit.

Ren feels tired after pinky back.

She sleeps.

Jr smile. Jr put the blanket cover enough for Ren body and go back to his apartment.

Gunhee, Justin and Taedong come and make a noise found from Ren house.

Jr visit Ren again.

"Someone worried his flowers, there his come," Gunhee joke with Jr.

Jr smile.

"Is it Ren house," voice from outside room. Jr looking it.

"It's jeonghan", Jr said.

" jeonghan come and sit, let chat and eat, " Ren said.

Jr takes a glass for Jeonghan drink.

"Such a husband material, " Jeonghan said by herself.

"Minki~ya I made porridge for you, you want to taste it?", Jr asked.

"Minki~yaa, it's so sweet, " Gunhee tease the lovely couple.

"Sure and thank you Jonghyun," Ren said sweetly and softly but Jr can hear and like it.

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