🌸Cactus Path Is Hurt🌸

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Sunshine just shine brightly. Ren wears a white pajama and goes to the balcony.

"choi minki HIMNAE!"

Ren brings a cup of cabbage juice and a sandwich. Ren sits and reads her favorite novel.

Jr wakes up because of Ren voice. Jr smile.

"Just hear her shout already make me smile"

Jr wears his pajama and drinks his juice silently he look at Ren.

💌"handsome ice"💌

What are you doing?

💌"princess flower" 💌

How about you?

💌"handsome ice" 💌

Even our relationship in the cactus torn please only walk in my path.
I never let you go
Turn to the last page
In early morning see you in my eyes make me feel happy
Thank for accepting me on your life ❤️

💌"princess flower" 💌

Even the rainbow does not appear after rain please look at me like a rainbow.
Appreciate every color
The white life you have will be Colouring after I'm hugging you
Know that I'm being part of your happiness its make me want to knock your door.

They both smile together.

Like Jr said even the relationship in the cactus torn that happen to them.

Nobody can predict what happens in the future.

That's life is full of surprise and magic. Like yesterday everything just happens.

Ren gets ready when she heard a ring bell sound.

"Are you ready?", Jr said and take Ren hand.

" yes im ready," Ren said and smiling.


"This orphan house," Ren said.

"Yes, this is my house," Jr said.

Ren nodded. Ren takes Jr hand hold and looks at Jr eyes.

"Who are your father, who is your mother it doesn't matter. I believe they are someone makes you proud. Thanks because you're alive and living. Thank for grow well, Jonghyunnaa", Ren said and her tears drop at Jr hand.

Jr pulls Ren body and hugs her.

" Thanks for being my flower, " Jr whisper on Ren ear.

They release the hug and Jr wipe Ren tears.

Ren opened the door car but a ball come to her. Lucky not hit her.

Ren not angry but she wants to know the owner of the ball.
Slowly Jr goes toward a big tree and shows sign language.

"It's that your ball?" Jr uses his sign language.

"Come and take your ball, " Jr grab the small hand and the cute boy appear.

Ren shows her skill and the boy want to take and start to interact with Ren. After that many children come to Ren. Ren starts to interact and forgot Jr at there. Ren really likes them.

Sometimes she laughs and sometimes she nodded. Ren indeed a great listener.

Jr to focused on Ren and not realize behind him, mother of the orphan house stay still and see him until his mother patting Jr shoulder.

🌸It's Beautiful Flower🌸Where stories live. Discover now