Say You Will (8)

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A couple years had passed since the end of the world.  Y/N and Five had since put their powers behind them. It was easier for Y/N because she lived her life with out using powers. Five on the other hand was living in hell. He couldn't just pop up everywhere and it bothered him. Slowly, he was able to jump a few inches with Y/N's help, but it drained them both so they didn't practice very often.
They never mentioned the kiss both putting it off as desperation that human absence can bring.

Y/N's quietness from her year of silence still stood and Five only spoke if the matter was important.
"I wonder what happened," Five would whisper into her ear at night.
"Maybe a bomb" she would reply sleepily.
"No bomb is that big"
"Whatever you say Five. Now let me sleep," the h/c girl replied.


Today was a success in Five's book. They had found alcohol! Y/N took a sip with Five and immediately spit it out.
"That was disgusting!" The girl spat and set it down. Five didn't mind the taste and continued to take sips. Eventually, the Raven haired boy was drunk.

"Heyyyyyy Y/NNNNNNNNNN," the teen slurred.
"Yes?" The girl mused retreading Vanya's book.
"I like a girl" he replied.
The h/c girl snorted. "Really?"
"Yeah, but don't tell Y/N, otherwise she will know."
"Okay" the teen girl laughed oblivious that he liked her.
"Y/N?" Five asked.
"Can you kiss me?"
"Why not?"
"You're drunk. You won't remember it."
"How could I forget?" He asked "Can I give you something?"
The boy got a ring out and knelt down.
"Y/N? Will you kiss me when when I'm sober? Please say you will"

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