We Only See Each Other at Weddings and Funerals (18)

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Vanya returns to her cozy little apartment, still on a high after the best audition of her entire life. She places her violin on the shelf. Hangs up her coat. Turns on the light. Revealing Five and Y/N, calmly drinking cups of coffee at her kitchen table. They are still streaked with dried blood. Vanya jumps nearly screaming,

Jesus! Vanya shouts

You should have locks on your windows. Five says calmly.

I'm on the fifth floor.

Still. Rapists can climb, Y/N replies. Vanya looks at the pair closer.

Oh my God. Is that blood?

Don't worry. It's not ours.

Yeah, not what I was worried about. What are you doing here?

I've decided you're the only one we can trust.


Because you're ordinary. He says it as a statement of fact, not an insult. Yet Y/N still elbows him. Hard. Because you'll listen. He amends. Vanya sits. When we jumped forward, into the future, do you know what we found?


Nothing. Absolutely nothing. As far as I could tell, we were the last people left alive. We never figured out what killed the human race, or why. But we did find something else. The date it happens. The boy regards Vanya, his expression solemn. Haunted. Hopeless. The world ends in nine days. And I have no idea how to stop it.

AN: Just finished episode one!!! 9 more to go!!! Should I stop this book here and make episode two a sequel so we don't have a HUGE book? Let me know what you guys want!

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