<Chapter 2>

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------------------Riku's Pov-------------------------

The bell strucks and its now the end of the class. I was supposed to go home went Iori suddenly approach me, he ask me if I want to join to there idol group. I don't how to answer it though.

For the moment I answer with a no.

He asked me why would I refuse and this a opportunity for me.

I told him my situation. I can't do much physical activities or sing for so long, becauase of my asthma.

Even if I agree to join I don't know if my mother would let me to anyways.

He said he understand and he would limit the time I would be performing so my asthma won't be trigggered. Iori also tell me that he would talk to my mother about it.

I agreed and we both then walk home to my house.It's a block away school so it didn't take us long to get there.

"Okaa-san I'm home!"I greet my mom and she greeted me back, She asked me who is with me. I told him his my friend. Iori introduced himself soon he asked for a private talk with my mom in the kitchen.

My mom agreed and I stayed at the living room reading a book.

<<<<With Iori>>>>

"So what do you want to talk about dear?"Riku's mom asked

"I want to asked your permission if you son can join our idol group at school,if its ok with you ma'am"

"Its all up to my son if he said yes. I would probably won't let him join because of his illness but its his decision now, but promise me dear to look after my son ok?"

"Thank you ma'am, I will. "I said well since Riku already agreed a while ago at school it's now settle that Riku would join their idol group. He bid his goodbye to the two and headed straight home.

He'd hope that his big brother would believe his excuse for coming home this late. Well he sure hope so.

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