<Chapter 20>

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After the whole incident with TRIGGER everything went back to normal, for now.

Class ended and everyone returned to their rightful homes. TRIGGER in the other hand went to a cafe to eat. Ryuu payed for everything and the two idiots fought as usual.

"Oi! That donut is mine!"

"Didn't see your name on it"

"Be nice to me for once!" Gaku begged,

Tenn stick his tongue out, "Blep"

"Why you little-!"

"Y-you two we are in a cafe! Show some respect please." Ryuu said, "I'll just go buy a new bag of donuts"

They return to the dorm a while after that. 


"I heard you guys ran into some trouble" Yamato said,

"Yeah, but it's all over." Gaku said,

"May I gladly point out that I helped them?" Yuki said,

Yamato clicked his tongue, "Shut your mouth, Senpai"

"How rude"


Meanwhile the youngsters gathered from the livingroom to do their assignments with Sougo's help.

"I give up! Sou-chan it's too hard!" Tamaki whined,

"Tamaki-kun you just looked at the paper and you already gave up!?"

"That's Yostuba-san for you" Iori said, sipping his tea

"What's the point, it's no fun at all!" Tamaki pointed out. It's just nothing but numbers and things I don't understand! Who created this, and why is this even necessary!?

The pudding boy thought, but alas, his questions should remain a unanswered for now.

Sougo sighed, "If you finish your homework, I will level up your pudding supply"

Tamaki's eyes brighten up,"Really?"

Sougo nodded,

"Ok, this will be as easy as pudding!"

"He's so hopeless.." Iori muttered,

"Hey, Iori I don't get this one" Riku said,

"Which one?" Iori asked,

"This one"

"That's simple, first you just have to do blah blah blah blah..."


"Do you get it Nanase-san?" Iori asked the red head.

Riku looked at him with a face of 'I don't understanding at all'. Literally

"Would you explain it a little less alien-like languange?" The red head said,

Iori sighed at his best friend (forced to be besties)"Tenn-san could you back me up here?" he asked,

"Hm? Ah, sure" Tenn asnwered,

"You seem off, Tenn-kun."Sougo said, "Are you alright?"

"I guess so" Tenn replied,

"Is it about that one unit that is bullying you?" Riku asked,

"How did you know?"

"Apparently, rumors spread so fast in this dorm" Iori said,

Tenn picked up a donut and ate it angrily. He knew who is the one responsible for starting the rumors. It's none other than his useless soba leader, Gayku Yaotomeme. That guy can't really keep his mouth shut, huh? He thought.

Separated from my twinTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon