<Chapter 6>

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The day past and its now every students favorite part of the year 'Idol Festival'.

This year Revale, the top idols in this school will be judging today's competition and will be hosting as well.

Right now our units are relaxing themselves before the festival starts or should I say 'Trying too relax'.

"Gahhh I'm so nervous!"

"Mitsu, calm down the show is not even starting yet"Yamato said trying to calm the nervous orange haired boy down. "And aren't you the one who's extremely excited a while ago?"

"Yeah but I can't help to feel nervous!Performing in front of many people looking on your every move onstage just makes me nervous!"Mitsuki said,

"Hey stop shaking me! Shake someone else!"

"Oh are we doing a maracas body dance?Let me join!"

"Gah- let go of me you two! I'm not a stress reliver! Onii san doesn't sign up for this!"

As for the other members, they are just on there phones checking up there new feeds and for Tamaki his eating king pudding of course.As Riku keep scrolling through his news feeds until he find something that Iori would be glad to hear

"Hey Iori! There's a new batch of Usami-", But before he could finish what he could say Iori covered his mouth and lend him closer to him.

"Just because I told you my secret doesn't mean you can just spill it out!"Iori whisper to him as Riku nod in response.

"..Tell me more once we finish performing"

Riku nodded, "Yeah sure!"

"What are you two whispering about?"Sogo asked them

Apparently before they could answer a loud voice suddenly filled the whole room announcing something which come from the speaker from the room

"Helloo~!This is your senpai Momo-Chan speaking,The festival have finally began!Performers get yourselves ready!"

"Ow.. my ears are bleeding."Mitsuki said,  

"He sure is loud than usual" Yamato said,

"Right! Ossan got any speeches
before we perform?"

"What do you mean?"Yamato asked,

"You know, the speeches leaders always say before performing encouraging his teammates!"

"I have to do that?"

"Yes, your the leader so speak up!"Mitsuki said as he put his hand to his hip.

Yamato sighed."Really? from the looks of it your the one whose acting like a leader here"

They all put there hands on the center.

"This is the starting line for us, lets give do our best out there and reach the top together!"

-----------"Lets Go!"------------

Now its finally idolish7's turn after Triggers finish there performance,they enter the stage and introduce themselves one by one before performing so the students/audience is aware of who they are.

The stage lights shine at the 7 males with same colors as there hair as they started to sing there song 'Monster Generation' with graceful dance moves, the audience was capture with there singing, dancing and charm.

They were shining like an Rainbow that just appeared after a storm on stage.

After they've finish they quickly gave Riku his inhaler when they noticed his illness act up when they exit the stage.

Now that every unit have finish performing they only have to wait for the the judges who is Revale

To of who's the winner of this years 'Idol Festival'.

------------------4 hours-------------------------------Later---------------------

The results have finally out!It seems like Revale have an very hard time deciding of who's gonna be the winner this year and it took them 4 hours to finally decide.The result are on the huge screen looking Tv(I don't know what it called) on the stage units have perform. The result have shocked the students/audiences.




          2nd:Shouting star✩


Its the first time they've got two winners this year. Its really surprising.

The staff and teacher ask Yuki and Momo of why did they choose two winners? and they just replied "They have a full potential of becoming an successful idol in the future~" and also they can't choose of who will they declared as the winner since the groups got great talent and skills.

On the other hand Idolish7 and Trigger can't believe there the ones who have been pick as this years winners. Some of them can't help to cry due to there happiness and some still can't believe they've won.

The practicing they did each and everyday while handling a poisonous-tongue devil-brat(That's what Gaku said) is worth it.

Apparently Momo invited all of them to there place for a celebration party in Saturday afternoon, Riku's mother approve just because the other IDOLISH7 members will be coming as well.

She can't really trust Riku to take care of himself since his clumsy and childish all the time.The next day Momo called Trigger and IDOLISH7 to.

Come and join them to buy the ingredients they need for the food and other stuff for the party,they didn't know how did Momo got there number from the first place but they all agree and plan to meet up at the entrance of the mall at 7Am.


Oh and also someone found me on facebook at the idolish7 fan community who is  kosura606 at first I didn't know it was her but when I found out OH MY FREAKING GOD IM SO SHOCK. Also I'm in a pink church today ;-;

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