<Chapter 5>

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After IDOLISH7 finish there lunch they decided to go to the rooftop to hangout or just chill before there practice starts.As they open the door the first thing they heard they heard is three voices talking about them.The three boys stop talking and more  look at the seven boys in front of them.

"Woah did we interrupt something?"Yamato started

"Nikaido-Yappi? Nice too see your group is finally complete"Gaku said, "So this is, Riku Nanase? Wow his so adorable"

"Uh.. Thanks?"

"Allow us too introduce our selves, I'm Ryunosuke Tsunashi this is ,Gaku Yaotome and this one over here is ,Tenn Nanase"Ryuu said with a smile

"See Tenn, I told ya he looks like you"Gaku stated

"Do I look like I care?"Tenn said,

"Why you littleー!"

"Erm, excuse us we should be going now. Gaku, Tenn quit it!" Ryuu said, as he smack Gaku and Tenn.

"Who are those people?"Riku asked

"They're the 2nd year idol group named Trigger"Iori answered

"They're so...weird"Riku said

"Agreed, especially TenTen, his so scary... scarier than, So-Chan" Tamaki Shivered

"But wait until you meet the lovey dovey duo. On second thought, maybe not. They'll just ruin your innocence" Mitsuki said as Riku only nodded in reply. Yeah, it will be chaos if they introduce them to Yuki and Momoーno offense.

After some chit chatting, they finally went to the gym where they will be practicing. There they saw Trigger again with Gaku and Tenn fighting, and Ryuu trying to calm them down while practicing.

They just ignore them and work on there dance steps while listening to the rhythmic of there song called "Monster Generation"Which the president gave them.

They start with easy steps and easy practices to not triggered Riku's illness even though Riku told them he'll be fine.

Its there responsibility now to take care of this boy or else they'll probably be hunted down by his mother.

A few days past and they have finally mastered their dance steps and song. They just need to practice a little more to make sure they win the competition next week.

Today Idolish7 came over to Riku's house to ask him if he wants to come hangout with them at the mall. Riku's Mother let him go with them and insist them to join them eat dinner when they return.

----------------------At the-----------------------------

"Ok we will meet you all back here in 12pm, Nagi is asking me and Yamato to come with him to buy some of his anime merch"

"And Tamaki-kun is requesting to buy king pudding in the convenient store"


Each member went ahead to the places they want to go leaving Iori and Riku together at the center of the mall.

"So um where did you wanna go,Iori?"Riku asked, but it seems that Iori already gone somewhere.

"I guess he already left. Where should I go?"He then start walking around wondering where he ended up in front of a cafe.

He just sit at one of the tables and open up his phone.

-------------------Iori's Pov --------------------------

Separated from my twinTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang