<Chapter 11>

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As the Mothe- I mean chef's cooking the dishes on the kitchen, the others decided to hangout. The High Schoolers on Iori and Riku's room and the college years on Triggers room. As Yamato decided to get piece of bread from the kitchen was simply met a very big sign right in front of the kitchen door saying its off limits.He have no choice but to return back to his room with the other two 3rd years.

"So the kitchen is off limits"

"How was it off limits, Nikaido?"Gaku asked

"Well there is a big sign on the entrance that says 'Keep out' with Momo-san's signature"Yamato answered ,adjusting his glasses.

"They're making food for the feast, remember? "Yuki said, drinking coffee.

"And your just here relaxing instead helping them?"Yamato stated.

"Its not like I don't want to help. Momo just doens't want me around the kitchen. Infact I can cook well"

"And why is that?"Yamato asked

A little taken back. Yuki paused drinking his coffee and look at Yamato with a serious face."I almost burn down the kitchen. From that day on Momo didn't even let me cook or step ground to the kitchen. Though he let me cook sometimes"

"I get you. I blew up our kitchen back from Tenn, Ryuu and my apartment by cooking pancakes."Gaku stated

"Wow! am I surround by Kitchen destroyers? I have to admit I don't even know how to cook and don't have any plans of learning so."Yamato said resting crossing his arms on the back of his head.

"But, you know the brats reaction is priceless that time. Probably the best among anything rare I saw on him for the past 2 years."Gaku accidentally mumble allowing the two to hear it which gave them a very wonderful idea. Very wonderful~

"Oooooooooo is Yaotome some kind of stalker or something?~"Yuki teased resulting Gaku blushed as the long silver haired male smirk in satisfaction.

"If so,we should at least warned Tenn from this dangerous stalker~"Yamato join in.

"In not a stalker!"Gaku yelled trying to stop his blushing face as Yuki and Yamato laughed there butts out.

"So what do you find interesting in Tenn that caught your interest on him?"Yamato asked between laughs.

"Oh, does someone have a little crush on Tenn?How cute~. My kohai is all grown up. "Yuki said laughing.

"Argh! Shut up! I don't like that brat not one bit! He's annoying and too selfish everything I hate is all in him?"Gaku yelled once again, blushing even more.

"The more you hate, the more you love" Yamato coughed,

"SHUT THE HELL UP!"The two stuck there tongue out as Gaku growl in annoyance.Teasing the silver haired male really satisfied Yamato and YUKI.

And they stay like that for the whole 2 hours teasing and annoying each other.Well that goes for the college year students as for the High school year students,there just simply playing a multiplayer game called Minecraft on a server they made for themselves.

"Iorin help I'm being attack by zombies!"

"So what?"

"So what!? I'm gonna die that's what!"Tamaki yelled in panic

"Didn't we told you to not hunt for diamonds in a cave at night?So technically its your fault"Tenn stated

"Tenn-san's right Tamaki.But though I don't want risking those diamonds you got so..."Without another word Riku teleported Tamaki back to the mansion they have made.

"Well at least Rikkun is being N I C E unlike some certain people here."Tamaki said as he glared to the other two, who just simply ignore him.

"Hehehe...well actually I did it for the diamonds. It will be a waste if you died in the cave and lose the 199 diamonds you have collected"Riki laughed nervously, scratching the back of his neck.

"Well done, Riku. You've done a great job"Tenn praised, giving Riku a pat on the head

"Yeah good job, Nanase-san"Iori followed with smile as Riku smiled back towards the two.

While Tamaki is looking at the three dumbfounded."Now I can finally understand what have been Iorin and So-Chan's feelings when I give more importance to my beloved King Pudding."He muttered

"Speaking of which. I'm hungry for pudding just by thinking of it by now."Tamaki said."Iorin, pudding."He continued, reaching his hand towards the raven haired brunette.

Iori signed."Go grab some in the kitchen. Sogo-san and Momo-san had buy some yesterday, so there is a stock of them in the kitchen. Go ask Sogo-san not me."He said as he crossed his arm.

"You could have just told me to get some, not to make a sentence that long."Tamaki muttered as he left the room to get his beloved savior, King pudding.


I just want to say I'm sorry for updating for so long.

I hope this chapter is enough, its shorter than usual.


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