<Chapter 15: Trigger Before the Radiant Glory♪>

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2 years before

"Where should I go again? Is it this way or that way?" A pale pink haired male asked himself as he holds a map on his hands.

He have came to this school to make his dream come true and to make his father proud. He hoped he'd make it to the audition at least.

"Oh I found it" He said, he opened the door and was shocked to see many people lined up for the audition.

He sit from the spare seat besides another person.

In this school you have to prove yourself worthy on attending by auditioning and showing your talent towards the judges. If you get qualified then your lucky to be a part of this school. If your not then better luck next time pal.

Besides being an school for idol trainees they do accept normal students who are here to only study. It depends on which coarse you pick. Managing coarse for people who have interests on being a manager in the future, Idol coarse for people who wants to become an idol in the future, and normal coarses for people who wants to become an doctor, accountant, chef, etc.

"Nanase Tenn, it's your turn."

"Uh hai!" He answered, as he went infront.

"So what are you going to do young man?" One of the judge asked,

"I'm gonna sing and dance sir"Tenn answered,

"Show us what you got young man. You can start now" The judge said,


Tenn sighed in relief as he exited the room. He was filled with happiness. Does days he spead practicing finally came to a use.

Now he just need to wait for the results for at least 4 days.

"I'm home"

"Ah, Tenn. So how was your audition?" His father asked,

"It turned out great! But.....I wouldn't expect passing the audition at all"

His father patted his head, "Oh come don't be like that, Tenn." He said, "You work so hard so you could enter the school you dream for. Be positive!"

Dream? He's not sure if it's his real dream. He just wanted to have a good job in the future. Tenn often see in TV of idols singing and dancing with all their might. Somehow he wanted to be like them and help his father with their expenses in the future. So can he consider that as a dream?

Whatever could help his father then he would work for it.

He wanted to make up from all of the days his father take good care of him all by his own, for being there with him all the time.

"Thank you, Otou-san"

"That's my boy!" His father smiled,

Tenn smiled back and procedeed to his room. He laid there and went to sleep.


After 5 days a mail was delivered from their house. His father called him to take the mail since it's written for him. He ripped off the envelope and read the letter inside of it.

"So what is it, Tenn?" His father asked,

"I...I... I got accepted! I pass!" Tenn replied happily as he handed over the letter to his father.

"That's my boy! I told you that you'd make it." His father said, patting his head.

Tenn was happy, extremely happy. He'd never thought he would actually pass. He never had that much self confidence so he always doubts himself from everything he does.

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