<Chapter 16: Trigger Before the Radiant Glory♪ pt. 2>

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"Alright that's all for today. You may have your break, goodbye class" The teacher said stepping out of the classroom.

One by one students began to exit the class to go hangout with their friends or to buy snacks from the cafeteria.

Tenn firstly went to his locker to have a look of whats insides. He found what it looks like a guide book of the school. Showing where the gym, infirmary, etc.

Even though he have read almost the whole guide book he was still having a hard time searching for the cafeteria, it's a good thing he brought some donuts in the convenient store a while ago. Though he simply want to check if there's anything good the cafeteria is selling other than just eating donuts like yesterday.

"Where could that stupid cafeteria be? This guide book is so complicated" He muttered with an irritated look on his face.

He walked across a group of girls who seems to be looking for someone.

"Where did he go?" One of the girls asked,

"Maybe that way!" The other one pointed out, and they'll ran through that direction.

Tenn stopped his tracks when he located a door which he thought it'll be the cafeteria. "I think this might be it.." he thought,

"Nope it's not" he said as he closes the door,

Tenn sighed, "I'm getting tired.. I'll just return to the classroom I guess."

Tenn was startled when all of the sudden a student jumped out of the locker. "What the heck are you doing?!" He said,

"Move aside brat! Wait aren't you the kid from earlie-"

"I think I heard him! Its this way! Come on quick"

The student sighed and quickly grabbed Tenn's arm and pulled him inside of the locker.

"Wha-!" before Tenn could finish his sentence. The student covered his mouth as he closed the locker door.

"Shh! Shut up will you!"The student said,

"I thought you said you heard him here?"

"Well I thought so! And I was sure!"

"Tsk, whatever, lets just go"

The student takes a peak of the tiny little box thing on lockers to check if the girls have already ran off.

"Heh, well thats a close call" He said,

Tenn kept on pushing the locker door until it have finally opened. He fell unto his backing, hissing in pain.

"What the heck are you even doing?" The student asked,

"What am I doing you say?! You literally drag me along with you inside that locker!" Tenn said,

"Haah!? It wouldn't happened if you didn't scream which have caught of the attention of does annoying girls!" The student said,

"Why the heck would I not scream if suddenly a human being jumped out of the locker with no warning?!"Tenn stated,

"Ehem" A man with glasses and white haired appeared infront of the two, looking annoyed and irritated. "Why the heck are you two students screaming in the hallways?! Haven't you read the school rules!"

The two stopped fighting for a moment noticed the great danger infront of them, which hey, they are. So long suckers-

The one infront of them is non other the vice director of the school.

"Into my office, now." The man ordered,

So much for a great first impression, Tenn thought, cussing on the inside.

They followed the ugly old man- I mean vice director to the office as they both kept on glaring on each other. Glaring as if they're about to kill each other.

Now they're getting themselves mentally prepared for the vice directors scolding. Wishing to survive.


"Alright, now explain" The vice director said, sitting on his fancy chair with his arms crossed.

The two glared on each other once more before proceeding to talk.

"Sir! This boy jumped out of the-!"

"The girls was chasing me-!"

"He drag me inside the locker-!"

"It wouldn't happened if he didn't scream-!"

"How could I not scream you literally-!"

"Oh shut up will you-!"

The two kept on talking, still cutting off each others sentences. The vice director have enough and slammed his fist to the table. "Enough! One by one! I can't understand a single word you two are saying!"



The two shut up for a brief moment.

"Now explain what happened, properly." The old man said, "You, the one with pink hair. Tell me your part of the story"

The student glared at him once more.

Tenn ignored it and proceed to tell his part of the story.

"Ah I see. Your next" The vice director ssid, pointing at the student.

"Old man the girls are chasing me! I was about get away from them until this brat screamed so I have to choice to hide in the closet with me!" The student said,

The vice director sighed massaging his forehead. "Gaku... thats the stupidest thing I've ever heard." He said, "Basically didn't do anything this is all your fault. "

"Hah?! Its not ny fault that I'm that handsome!" Gaku stated,

"Alright young man you could leave now. I apologize for my sons behavior." The vice director said,

"Its alright sir" Tenn smiled, as he glare at Gaku for the last time and exited the room.

"See that?! He glared at me!"

"So? Its not my fault that the new student hates you."

"Tch! Do I even care if he hates me!  His not someone close to me!" Gaku stated, still irriated.


A/N: I'm back from the dead :)

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