<Chapter 13>

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"It's good to see you too, Momo"Otoharu smiled."Mind if me and Sousuke-san join you all?"Otoharu Takanashi and Sousuke Yaotome the two directors of the school. They rarely visit the school grounds due to there work. They are the two first student's in this school who have graduated as a director of this school , which they now hold.

"Sure thing sensei!"Momo replied,

"So sensei, what brings you here?"Yuki asked,"I thought your in a meeting with,Yaotome-papa today."

"Ah, yes exactly, but I have come here to announce something important."

"Important?"Momo tilted his head,

"Yes"Otoharu answered,"Everyone listen up."

The others turn there heads towards, Otoharu and of course ,SousokeーWho hasn't even spoke a single word.

"So you might known that from now on you will all be living here right?"

The others nodded in response.

"Ah, wait before we can continue let us first introduce ourselves. I'm Otoharu Takanashi, the Director of thid school."Otoharu said, he look at Sousoke to signal him to introduce his self as well.

"I'm Sousoke Yaotome, the vice director of this school"Sousoke said,

Mitsuki titled his head,"Eh?As in your, Gaku's father?"He said,

"Yes, got a problem with that, brat?"

"Oi! Don't talk to Izumi like that, old man!"

"Didn't I say to not call be old man, idiot!"

And as expected. Like father like son, Tenn thought as he crossed his arm. Looking to the two silver haired idiots glaring at each other as the others only sweatdropped seeing how the two interact.

Sousuke looked at Tenn and asked,"And you must be, Nanase Tenn, right?"

Tenn nodded in agreement.

"Oh, so your the one that my son-"Before he could finish his sentence. Gaku interupt with a loud fake cough and said, "What is this special announcement that you will be telling us Otoharu-sensei?"

"Huh? Oh yes! The announcement I seem to have forgotten about it"

The other's only tilt there heads, confused by Gaku's sudden action. But a certain green haired someone was only trying to hide his smirking face by Gaku's action. Dude just what?

"Yuki-san and Momo-san have already mention that you are all be living here from now on and about having a chance of debuting as an idol, right?"

They nodded,

"Well that spoils the suprise"

"Ehehehe Sorry, Otoharu-sensei"Momo apologized,

"I apologize to, Otoharu-sensei"Yuki said bowing his head,

Otoharu waved his and said,"It's ok, Momo-kun and Yuki-kun, besides it's a good thing you have told them in the first place. I would have forgot to tell them anyways" He smiled, "Alright then, back to what I am saying"


After 3 hours Otoharu and Sousuke bid there farewells to the boys and left. The whole announcement was them debuting on summer vacation and having their own personal manageーwhich, Otoharu didn't yet mention who they where. It must be a dream debuting as an idol this very moment in there entire lives. They didn't expect to become an idol anyways. Some of them are actually only doing this for academic reasons( *coughs* Ehem Iori and Tenn erm*coughs*)

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