Twelve Lillies and a Duck

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Saturday morning, I woke up in a worse mood than I had since the start of the school year. I couldn't stop thinking about what Carla had said. Every time I thought about Mr. Miller, which usually made me happy, I heard he's twenty-three and he's your teacher or if you care about him, you'll stay away. It was like my feelings for him, which had once seemed so innocent, had been tainted with something dark, something sad. I got ready for work in a miserable fog, and had trouble shaking it off even as I started my shift. Nevertheless, I tried to appear happy to all my customers and coworkers. Mrs. De Luca came in about two hours into my shift, and as usual, didn't say much throughout her meal. When I brought her the check, however, she looked up at me and narrowed her eyes.

"What's wrong with you?" she asked shortly. I looked over my shoulder to see if she was talking to somebody else. "You, Alma. What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing," I said innocently. "I'm fine I'm just tired."

"Do I look like I was born yesterday? It's a boy, isn't it? Or a girl, I don't discriminate." I sighed and dropped the act, nodding my head.

"Boy," I said. "How'd you know?"

"Like I said," she shrugged, "I wasn't born yesterday. All I can say is that your boy is a fool if he doesn't see what a great girl you are."

"Thanks, Mrs. De Luca. But it's really not like that-"

"Don't argue with me, it's too early for that. You wanna know my advice? The best way to get over someone," she leaned forward and lowered her voice to a half-whisper, "Is to get under someone new."

"Mrs. De Luca!" I scoffed in surprise.

"What? I may be too old for stuff like that, but you're not. Live while you're young, put yourself out there. Don't let one guy hold you back."

"Okay, that's good advice, but I will not be getting under anybody," I whispered.

"Suit yourself," she shrugged. Just then, the doorbell rang and I turned around to see Mr. Stewart and Chris walk into the diner. Mr. Stewart ran over to Katie and gave her a big hug.

"There's my girl!" he exclaimed. Katie smiled cheerfully.

"Hi, Dad! Hi, Chris!" Chris waved back halfheartedly.

"I thought we should stop by and visit you, I feel like I never see you anymore, since you're always off with that Tim," Mr. Stewart chuckled. Katie and Tim had been dating for a few weeks, ever since Katie's New Year's Eve party. They were a very sweet couple, always holding hands and smiling at each other. Carla said it was annoying, but I thought it was nice.

"Well, take a seat and I'll be right over to take your order!" Katie went over to the counter to fetch waters while Chris and Mr. Stewart went to sit down. As he walked passed me, Chris waved, more enthusiastically, in my direction.

"Hi, Alma. It's nice to see you," he smiled and I noticed his freckles turn bright red.

"Hey, Chris. Nice to see you too," I smiled back and turned my attention back to Mrs. De Luca, who had just finished signing her check. She looked at me and raised her eyebrows suggestively, her eyes darting from Chris, to me, and then back to Chris.

"Oh, no," I whispered. "He's just a friend." Mrs. De Luca shrugged again.

"Okay, whatever you say."

"What?" I asked. She left her tip on the table and got up to leave.

"He likes you, you should put yourself out there," she winked and walked out the door, the bell jingling behind her. I looked over at Chris, who caught my eye and gave me another shy smile. I waved and avoided him for the rest of the morning. It's not that I didn't like Chris. It's just that I had never dated anyone before, and I didn't really know how to put myself out there, as Mrs. De Luca suggested.

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