Blue Deja Vu

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Wednesday morning, I woke up early and well rested for a change. I walked into art class with over five minutes to spare, and found Carla and Mark already sitting at our table.

"Hey, guys," I chirped, still giddy over my first meeting with Matthew.

"Well, good morning, sunshine," Carla smiled, "Does this mean yesterday went well?" I nodded proudly and took a small bow.

"Yes it did. And, I was super chill," I said, eyeing Mark.

"Good for you, Alma. I always knew you had it in you," he teased.

"So, what's up with you guys?" I asked as I took a seat next to Carla. She shrugged.

"Nothing much, we're just both tired from work." Mark huffed in agreement.

"You both work during the school week?"

"Yep," Carla sighed. "The Froyo place is open till 9:30pm and the mall is open till 11:00pm, so we have to work in the afternoons."

"I'm sorry, that must be tiring," I said sympathetically. She shrugged again.

"I don't really mind, since it means I usually get either Saturday or Sunday off. I can't imagine working both days of the weekend like you do." Now it was my turn to shrug.

"Well, I always get out before 3:00pm on Sundays so I have most of the afternoon off. I do wish that we had more time off on the same days though. I feel like we haven't seen each other in forever." At this, Mark perked up.

"Hey, I get out at four this Sunday, what about you, Carla?" he asked. Carla thought for a moment before smiling.

"I'm off at three! Do you guys want to hang out that night?"

"Yeah, definitely!" Mark said enthusiastically, but I paused. I had become somewhat reclusive in the past month, absorbed only in my writing, so I didn't know how I felt about spending my only evening off during the week with not only one, but two friends. Oh well, I though, you can't really say no at this point. I sighed and smiled.

"Yeah, sure," I replied. Carla took out her planner and scribbled a little note to herself on the Sunday block that said Alma and Mark.

"Okay, Alma, I'll pick you up at 3:30pm, and Mark, we will meet you at the mall. Sound good?" she gave a thumbs up. Mark groaned.

"Do we really have to hang out at the mall? That's where I work."

"Yeah, I'm kinda with Mark on this one," I chimed in. "There's too many people at the mall, especially on weekends." Carla shook her head.

"Relax, we don't have to hang out at the mall, that's just where we're meeting Mark. Jeez, you guys are both so lame. What do you want to do then?" We both paused to think, and Mrs. K came prancing into the room, as bright and sunshiny as the first day of school.

"Good morning, class!" she practically sang, "Now, before we get started, I have a few flyers for the Fall Film Festival this weekend, if any of you want to take one. They're playing all the classics, if that's what you're into." Mark went up to her desk and picked up a flyer, handing it to Carla and I.

"Maybe we could do this. Looks like they're playing To Kill A Mockingbird at 5:00pm on Sunday?" Carla and I looked at each other excitedly.

"Alma, we have to go," she said. I nodded and looked at the flyer. My smile immediately faded when I saw the location of the festival.

"Oh..." I murmured. "Yeah, I can't," I lowered my gaze. Carla rolled her eyes.

"Alma, I know you just want to stay home and write, but come on! To Kill A Mockingbird is your favorite book! We have to go see the movie!" Mark leaned in.

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