Spaghetti and the Shrew

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That Sunday was Chris and I's one month anniversary, and he came into work to surprise me with a bouquet of roses. All of the customers in the diner applauded, which I thought was a little weird, but Chris looked happy, so I played along.

"You're so sweet, you didn't have to do this!" I said as he handed me the bouquet.

"Don't be silly," he kissed me affectionately on the cheek. "If you think this is good, then tonight's really gonna knock your socks off," he winked.

"Chris!" I blushed, embarrassed.

"No, no that's not what I meant," Chris' freckles turned bright red, "I just mean that- I- I have something special planned. Not- I mean something exciting. No-"

"Okay, okay I get it," I laughed and he smiled, shaking his head.

"Hey Alma, hate to interrupt your little love-fest, but Mrs. De Luca's waiting at table three," Laurie came out from behind the counter and gave me a steaming mug of coffee.

"Okay, thanks, Laurie," I handed the bouquet of roses back to Chris. "Thank you for the flowers, I'll see you tonight." I gave him a quick kiss and went over to Mrs. De Luca.

"Good morning, Mrs. De Luca. Here's your coffee," I said, sliding it across the table.

"I was right."

"What?" I asked, confused. Mrs. De Luca smiled smugly and raised her eyebrows.

"That's that same boy, is it not? I told you, I was right."

"Oh, yeah I guess you were," I laughed. Mrs. De Luca poured cream into her cup and stirred contemplatively. She raised the cup to her lips and took one long, dramatic sip.

"And, did it work?" She lowered it back to the table. "Are you over the other guy?"

"Yes, yes of course. Chris is wonderful. It's actually our month anniversary."

"Well, congratulations."

"Thank you," I focused my attention on my notepad, "Do you want the usual?"

* * *

When I got home from work, Chris was already waiting for me on my doorstep, roses still in hand. He handed me the bouquet and told me to be ready for a five o'clock reservation. I went inside, and after putting the flowers in a vase on the counter, ran to my room to get dressed. I picked out the black dress I had almost worn to Katie's New Year's Eve party because it was simple enough for a casual event, but sophisticated enough for a fancy restaurant. Chris wanted to keep everything a surprise, and wouldn't even tell me how to dress, but I managed. I untied my hair from the messy bun I always wore it in for work and put some hairspray in it before combing my fingers through, loosening its curls. I hastily applied some tinted lip balm and eyeliner, as well as the same pair of pearl earrings I wore for my mid-year conference. I put on a purple cardigan and a pair of black boots before grabbing my present for Chris and heading out the door. Before I left, my dad stopped me.

"Where are you going, all dressed up?"

"It's Chris and I's month anniversary, remember?"

"Oh, yeah," he nodded. "Well, have fun and be home by ten."

"Really? Tonight is special," I whined. He looked up from his computer.

"It's also a school night. Home by ten."

"Alright, fine," I groaned, not wanting to argue. I met Chris outside and told him that my curfew still applied. He shrugged it off with a smile.

"No problem, that's why I made the reservation early." He stuck out his arm for me to hold. "Shall we, milady?"

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