A Piece of the Puzzle

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"Alma, stop avoiding me." Katie intercepted me as I was carrying several plates Saturday morning at work. "I know about you and Chris."

"I'm not avoiding you," I slipped past her and dropped the food off to table five. "Two number threes and a side of hashbrowns. Anything else?"

I was avoiding her. I wasn't sure what Chris had told her and Mr. Stewart about the breakup, but I was sure that I didn't want to discuss it at work. I knew Katie said she could never hate me, but what if he told her his suspicions about there being someone else? Admittedly, that was true, but I would never cheat on him, even if I was unconsciously in love with Mr. Miller while we were dating. Katie huffed and stopped me on my way back to the kitchen, blocking my path with her arm.

"Katie, Mrs. De Luca is waiting for her food," I tried to edge past her.

"Alma, come on! I know you're embarrassed, but it's okay!" Katie pleaded.

"Embarrassed? Why would I be embarrassed?" I stopped, confused. Katie put her hand on my shoulder in an attempt to comfort me.

"I know being dumped can be hard, but you're a great girl and I'm positive that you'll find somebody new. Chris told me that he just thinks you're different people," she shrugged, "You just weren't meant for eachother. But that doesn't mean there's anything wrong with you!" What? Chris told her that he had dumped me? I opened my mouth to protest but hesitated. Maybe Chris had only done that because he knew I would feel awkward around Katie and Mr. Stewart after the breakup. Maybe he was really trying to protect me.

"Thanks, Katie. I'm sure you're right," I smiled. Katie patted me warmly on the shoulder before finally letting me into the kitchen. Inside, Laurie caught my eye and smirked. "What?" I asked defensively.

"Nothing, nothing... I just find it hard to believe that Chris dumped you." I looked around to make sure Katie wasn't listening and lowered my voice.

"What's so hard to believe?" I whispered. She shrugged.

"Please. It's obvious he was crazy about you." A pang of guilt flooded my chest.

"I liked him too..."

"Oh, I know. But it was pretty clear to me from the beginning who would be the dumper, and who would be the dumpee. Now go on, bring Mrs. De Luca her food." I grabbed her plate and started to leave, but paused on my way out.

"Laurie?" I said meekly. "Can you not..."

"Don't worry, kiddo," she winked. "Your secret is safe with me." I nodded before heading out the door. As I entered the dining room, I heard the bell jingle and turned around to see my dad standing wearily at the door, still blinking the sleep from his eyes.

"Dad? What are you doing he-" before I could finished, Laurie burst from behind the counter and rushed over to my dad, grinning.

"Rob, how nice of you to come! It's been too long. I'll get you some coffee." My dad yawned and smiled sleepily.

"Thanks, Laurie. Morning, Alma. I just came to get some... food." I narrowed my eyes at him suspiciously before deciding to play it cool, putting on my usual sarcastic smirk.

"As most people do. Why don't you take a seat at the counter," I gestured towards an empty stool. He nodded and I finally went over to Mrs. De Luca, who was waiting patiently as usual. "Here you are, Mrs. De Luca. Sorry that took so long," I apologized. She shrugged and began buttering her toast.

"What do I got to be late for? Mass is tomorrow. Can I get some more coffee?"

"Sure," I nodded and rushed back back behind the counter. I nearly collided with Laurie on my way back, who was also carrying a mug of coffee for my dad. "Sorry," I mumbled as I slipped by her. She barely seemed to noticed me, and she simply leaned over the counter to give Rob his coffee, who accepted it as gratefully as if it were the Holy Grail. I watched from the corner as they chatted, my dad suddenly flooded with energy. What a weird day.

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