3. Orange is not my color

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After the Zee debacle, Talia barricaded herself in her room. Reporters called, knocked on the door and one creative paparazzi managed to put a sign on her bedroom window on the second floor. Jeremiah being the savior that he was managed to shoo them all away. It did help that he was built like a bouncer.

"Talia, your mom is on the phone." Jeremiah poked his head into my bedroom.

"Just kill me." She covered her head with a pillow.

"It has been four days since the interview. I've let you hide in here long enough. Time to get the big girl panties on." The phone was shoved in her face.

She sighed. "Hi Mama."

"Talia Marie Walker! Where in the h. e. double hockey sticks have you been?"

"I'm home Mama. Is there something you need?"

"Your brother and I have been worried sick. You haven't answered any texts or calls."

"I know."

Silence answered her. That was never good when her mother was quiet. "Do I need to come out there?"

Talia jolted upright. "NO!"

"No need to yell, Tally."

"Sorry, mama. No need to come all the way out here."

"Have you talked to Zechariah?"

Talia's skin crawled with the mention of his name.


"Why not? He's talked to Rex but won't talk about what is going on with the two of you. You need to straighten this out. I'm not sure how I'm going to face his mama in church on Sunday."

"I will talk to him the moment I feel like I won't immediately murder him and burn the body."

"Talia! We don't talk like that."

"Uh yeah I do, mama."

"It sounds like you two are having a lover's spat. He's a good boy. You could do worse."

"He's a complete tool. I want nothing to do with him. I never have liked him. Why in the world do you think all of a sudden I've lost my damn mind and have fallen for the idiot?"

"I know you didn't just curse at your mama." She sighed. "The two of you have always been like oil and water."

"I agree."

"Tally, when oil and water are mixed in the right situation it can make something very sweet. You add oil and water to brownie mix you get brownies. The same goes with cake mix. Maybe you two just needed the right situation."

Talia closed her eyes while rubbing her temples. "Mama, there is never going to be a right situation for us. I'm quite happy being his enemy. As I am sure he is."

A knock sounded on her door.

"What is that?" Her mother asked.

"It's just Jeremiah. I gotta go, Mama. Love you."

"Love you too sweetie. Hug Jeremiah for me. You know it's a real shame nothing-"

"Bye, Mama."

The knock sounded again. Why hadn't Jeremiah just come in?

Talia got out of bed and padded over to the door. Opening the door slowly, blazing sunlight left the man in the door way in a halo.

"Hey Lia! Looking good."

Talia balled her fist. Anger coursed through her body. Without warning, Talia punched the too handsome for his own good A-lister in the face. He crumpled on the floor.

Pain radiated up her arm from the hand she was cradling.

Damn! Orange really wasn't her color.

Tabloid (Dirty Laundry #1)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz