27. Beware the Thinkin' Stick

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Silence filled the cab of the truck. Zeke avoided the main roads heading back to the ranch. He hadn't said much to her since seeing her embracing Chrissy.

Zeke had seemed taken aback at the sight of the them. Chrissy attempted to make small talk with him, but he had been very short tempered with her. Talia exchanged numbers with Chrissy, said a quick goodbye then dragged Zeke out to his truck.

"What's your deal?" Talia asked

Her question was met with tense silence.

"Come on, Zeke. Stop being a baby."

His knuckles turned white from gripping the steering wheel so hard.

"Fine. I will do all the talking then." Talia cleared her throat.

"Hello, Lia." Talia said in an overly deep voice.

"You know I hate when you call me that."

"Yes, but I love to annoy you."

"I know that. So, what is your problem?"

"I don't have a problem. I'm a man. Men don't have problems like you ladies."

One side of Zeke's mouth lifted.

"Oh puhlease. You men are more drama queens then most women."

"You see, Lia, men are beings capable of separating emotions from their thoughts. They are able to think rationally at all times. You women have your monthlies that keep you from having a consistent frame of rationality." Along with the deep voice she waved her fist.

"Well, thank you for explaining things. I'm glad you did since I don't have the privilege of having a thinkin' stick like you do."

A snort broke from Zeke. "A thinkin' stick?"

"Yes. Now, don't interrupt my conversation. It's one of the best ones I've had with you."

She cleared her throat again. "That's why I am here for you, Lia. To help keep you rational."

"Thank you so much, Zeke. You didn't answer why you are being so bitchy though."

"Men are not bitchy. It is in the definition of a bitch that we can't be one."

"Now, you are being ridiculous. Tell me is the problem biological in nature?"

"Biological?" She asked herself with his deep voice.

"Is there something wrong with the peen and bits? I hear the wrong underwear can cause problems."

"WHAT??? There would never be a problem with my perfect manly package." She exclaimed using her deep voice.

"Well, I can't think what else it could....Oof" Talia was flung against the seatbelt as the car jolted to a stop.

Zeke reached over, unbuckled her seatbelt and pulled her to him. His lips crashed against hers. She scored her nails against his scalp as she dragged them through his hair. A moan escaped him but was muted by Talia shoving her tongue into his warm mouth. His hands flexed on her thick waist.

Talia broke the kiss to heave in a breath. "What was that for?"

His sexy dimple winked at her making her panties melt. "I needed to shut you up." A sensual gleam reflected in his eyes. "I think I did a damn good job."

"Yes, you did." Talia kissed him lightly on the lips. Her soft lips massaging his as she cupped his face.

He took her hands in his then broke the kiss. "I was worried about you. You didn't tell me you were leaving. While I was cleaning up Terence and Max, you disappeared with Jeremiah."

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