11. Sex Dreams Suck

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The silence in the car was deafening. No music played. Rumbling of the engine was barely audible. Talia played the events over in her head like a movie she was re-watching. The stinging comments from the overweight blow hard. Zee's reaction. Their encounter with Gia and Gwyn. None of it made sense.

As Zeke pulled the car in front of the house, Talia's phone pinged with a message.

The Dirty Laundry

Zee Jaxon assaults producer while girlfriend looks on encouragingly.

A picture of Zee holding up the blowhard with Talia looking with what appeared to be amusement.

She didn't remember making that face.

"Shit" Talia whispered

"What?" Zeke snapped.

Talia stepped out of the car and handed the phone to Zeke.

"FUCK!!!" He screamed. The phone flew in the air crashing onto the driveway shattering.

"What the FUCK, Zeke!" Talia swiped the pieces of her broken phone off the ground.

Zeke was throwing a spectacular fit. He strode into the house slamming the door shut before she could follow.

Blood roared in Talia's ears. What happened now?

After a few deep cleansing breaths, Talia walked as calmly as possible into the house. She heard Zeke's voice in the kitchen. They needed to talk about this so they could fight it together. When she approached the kitchen, she could make out Zeke's side of the conversation.

"What the fuck do you want me to do? I fucked up. I know." He paced with the phone to his ear.

"He's an asshole that deserved it. I don't feel bad about it." Those words sent warmth shooting through her.

"I know she's not worth it. But, it's done. I can't change that now. Tell me what I need to do."

A pause as the person on the other end spoke.

"She knows how I feel. She knows there will never be anything between us because of how she is. No matter what she isn't going to change. I can't be around that thing."

His words were like a bucket of ice water. She never expected sweetness from Zeke. But, the cruelness of his words hurt.

Tears burned her eyes as she snuck away from the kitchen. Running up the steps with her discarded shoes in her hands she willed herself not to cry until she was in her room. He would not see how his words affected her.

Closing her bedroom door softly behind her, she quickly undressed and flung herself into bed. Talia lay there silently watching the minutes tick by.

Zeke's words played over and over in her head. Sleep wouldn't come when she needed that sweet oblivion. A soft knock sounded on the door.

"Lia?" Zeke's muffled voice filtered through the door.

Talia lay still holding her breath willing him to go away.

"Are you awake? I need to talk."

Tension filled her body waiting for him to leave.

"Ok. I will talk to you tomorrow. I'm sorry about tonight."

Did he even know what he was apologizing for?

Tears dripped onto the pillow. Sadness and anger poured out on silent cries. After a half an hour the oblivion quieted her mind enough for her to sleep.

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