16. Electric Slide Away

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Sun streamed in waking Talia. Stretching on the soft queen size bed she looked toward the window. She would need to remember to close the blinds. The chill from the hardwood floor caused Talia to hop to the bathroom connected to her room.

Washing her hands, she studied her reflection in the mirror. The make up from the day before still lingered thanks to her falling into bed the night before. A quick shower was needed before attempting to conquer the day ahead.

Warm massaging spray relaxed her and let her mind wander. The previous day swept through her thoughts. After her brother left Zeke showed her around the house and the property. The two-story cabin had every convenience. A living room with a huge fireplace and big screen tv consumed most of the first floor. The large kitchen was hidden in the back with a dining area attached. Large winding stairs led to the bedrooms. Four large bedrooms identically decorated seemed plain compared to Zeke's home in California.

Talia chose the room that overlooked the barn and horse training ring. They hadn't had a chance to go into the barn the evening before. After the tour of the house, she and Zeke made sandwiches then went their separate ways. The day of traveling and drama had exhausted them both. There was no hurry to learn everything about the place when they were going to be there for a few weeks.

While she dried her hair, she watched the ranch hands working with a few horses. One ranch hand drew her attention out of all. He had a worn cowboy hat, jeans that fit just right and flannel with rolled up sleeves. He was handling a beautiful brown and white horse. She was stubborn and uninterested in the cowboy. As he tried to mount her she reared back throwing him off.

Talia gasped and inched closer to the window. The cowboy jumped up moving just in time to miss getting kicked by the pissed off horse. He climbed on the fence with the other hooting ranch hands. Talia's stomach grumbled making her realize she hadn't eaten yet. She would find time again to ogle the sexy ranch hand.

I In shorts and a t-shirt, Talia wandered down the stairs toward a heavenly smell. A small round woman stood in front of the stove. A plate piled with pancakes sat next to a platter filled with bacon and eggs on the kitchen island.

"Don't just stand there. Come in here and eat." She turned smiling at Talia.

"Oh. Thank you."

Talia sat on one of the stools at the island. She piled her plate with the pancakes, bacon and eggs. Coffee in the nearby carafe called her name. After pouring the coffee, she finally tucked into the delicious smelling breakfast.

A moan escaped with Talia's first bite. Pancakes melted like butter on her tongue. "That's the best kind of compliment." The woman turned wiping her hands on her apron.

"This is so good. Thank you so much. I didn't realize how hungry I was." Talia shoved eggs and bacon in her mouth then realized she hadn't introduced herself. "I'm Thalia." She said with her mouthful.

The woman laughed. "I'm Addie. My husband, Ben, and I take care of the house and grounds for Zeke."

Talia swallowed her bite. "It's a pleasure to meet you. Have you worked long for Zeke?"

"We actually worked for his grandfather when he still lived here. When Zeke took over and revitalized this old place we stayed on. Ben and I actually live in a little home on the edge of the property. So, we can't hear anything that happens here at the big house." Addie winked at Talia.

Talia's eyes grew wide as saucers. "Uh well...um"

"Addie, are you giving that girl a hard time?" A small muscular man with more salt than pepper grey hair stepped into the house from the door next to the kitchen. His southern drawl more prominent than hers.

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