12. Everyone has an alter igloo

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A silver bullet shaped diner shone in the early morning light. The gleam forced her to pull her sunglasses down. Talia looked over at Zeke. An excited smile crossed his face as he placed the car in park.

"This is it." Zeke jumped out of the car. She watched as he waited for her. He hopped around like an errant puppy.

"Why are you so excited?" She asked.

"I can't wait to show this place with you. They have the best omelets and pancakes. Gracie, the owner, is going to love you."

Zeke entwined their fingers and dragged her toward the door. It flung toward them when a bustling family left.

The inside of the diner was a site to behold. Black and white checkered tile floors sparkled as if new. Red leather encased the booths and stools at the counter. The smell of coffee, pancakes, sausage and more assaulted her senses. Her stomach rumbled in answer. Looking around at the diner and its patrons, Talia felt like she'd stepped into the past.

"This way." Zeke pulled her to an open booth next to a window over looking the parking lot.

"This place is amazing. How did you ever discover it?"

Zeke flushed. "I came across this place one morning when I was wasted. Gracie fed me, gave me coffee then a strong talking to."

"He didn't listen to one word I said." A middle aged African American woman stood next to their table with her hands on her ample hips.

"I listened to some of them." Zeke stood giving her a hug and kisses on her cheeks.

"You flirt. Sit your movie star backside in that seat." Gracie handed them each a laminated one-sided menu.

"Let me get your drinks and I will be right back." She marched away chatting with other patrons as she went.

"Wait a minute, I didn't tell her what I wanted."

Zeke shrugged. "Gracie has this intuition about what drinks people want. It's uncanny. I bet you she nails yours perfectly."

"I will take that bet."

Leaning forward he said, "What do I get if I win?"

"What do you want?"

Mischief sparkled in his eyes. "One secret."

"A secret?"

"You are the most secretive person I know. So, I want to know one secret."

"Ok and if I win we get to do whatever I want on our next "date". No matter what it is."


Talia and Zeke sat quietly looking at the menu waiting for Gracie to return with their drinks. Anticipation zinged around them.

"Here you go loves." Gracie placed orange juice and chocolate milk in front of Zeke. She placed a cup of black coffee and glass of water in front of Talia. "Here is cream and sugar for your coffee. Unfortunately, we do not have an espresso machine or I would have brought that to you."

Talia's jaw hung open. She stared at the drinks in front of them. Zeke hid his smile behind his orange juice.

"We are ready to order, Gracie." Gracie reached into her pocked for a pad to take down their order.

After ordering, Zeke and Talia sat in silence. Clinking of glasses, plates and silverwear filled the small diner. Talia's gaze wandered outside. She watched a little boy dressed as a super hero running around. His mother was on the phone talking a few steps away. When her conversation was over, she corralled the little boy and they came into the diner.

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