35. Absolutely No Make-Up Sex

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Tristan and his mom arrived close to dinner time. When the hired car parked, a little boy in a superhero costume jumped out of the car. He ran up to Zeke, Max and Terence. Each wore t-shirts with the symbol of the super hero they played. Tristan ran as fast as he could up to them, but when he got there he wobbled.

Zeke put out his hand to steady him. "Whoa, buddy! You gotta take it easy. We have all week."

"I'm just so excited." Tristan wheezed.

"Tristan! I told you to take it easy." His mom followed behind with their bags.

Talia ran down the steps past the three so-called super heroes and helped her with her bags. "Let me help you with those. Apparently, these three are just good for posing."

Tristan's mom laughed and followed Talia into the house leaving an admiring Tristan with the three men.

"I'm Annie Boyd."

"Talia Walker."

"Oh! I've heard of you." Talia felt warmth flood her cheeks.

"Unfortunately, you probably have. Gossip Queen at your service." Annie looked confused.

"What do you mean Gossip Queen?"

"Isn't that what you meant by having heard of me?"

"No. I've heard you were Zee Jaxon's girlfriend."

"Oh. I am that too."

"Let me show you where you and Tristan will be staying." Talia carried two bags up the stairs to one of the large guest rooms. "You have your own bathroom so you don't have to worry about sharing."

Annie walked around the room in awe. Talia knew that feeling. Normal people didn't live like Zeke did. Most people had one bathroom in their house. Not one bathroom per bedroom.

"This is crazy."

"That was how I felt when I first walked into one of Zeke's houses."


"Zee Jaxon and I have known each other since we were children. I call him by his childhood nickname instead of his Hollywood name."

"Oh. Ok. What I meant when I said this was crazy was that we are even here. Running into him at that diner was a fluke. Tristan had just gone through a bad treatment and I was taking him and his cousin for breakfast. Who would have thought that one little moment would allow my little guy to have an experience of a lifetime?"

"Hopefully, this is only one of many to come."

Annie wilted and collapsed on the bed. "I'm afraid it probably won't be. The doctors have only given him six months to a year." Tears welled in her eyes. "How do you fill a child's lifetime in that amount of time?"

Talia sat next to her. "I can't even begin to try to relate to what you are going through. But, I see you are doing your best to give him everything for the time he has with you."

"I won't be ready when the time comes."

Tears gathered in Talia's eyes now. She linked her hands with the woman she barely knew to give her comfort.

"Thank you, Talia."

"No need to thank me." Talia wiped the tears away. "Now, let's get back down there before those three troublemakers teach your son bad habits." As Talia walked toward the door she remembered something. "Oh and I invited my friend who has a daughter Tristan's age. I thought maybe they could have fun together this week."

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