32. Hula Hooping Grandpa

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Two weeks after Jeremiah left it was the fourth of July. Talia and Zeke were "summoned" to her parent's house for a barbecue. Addie made a pie for them to take but her grandfather requested her banana pudding. Talia couldn't deny that request especially when he prefaced it by saying "I could die any day, Tally. Bring the damn pudding!"

"Will there be a pants problem today?" Zeke asked.

"Pants problem?"

"You know. Will your grandfather have a problem keeping himself covered?"

"I think it will be fine. Since mama moved him into The Homestead Assisted living there hasn't been a problem."

"Good because apparently my family is coming today too." Zeke gripped the steering wheel tight.

"Your mom and dad?"

"Ben and his lady friend are in town too." Zeke's tone became harsh.

"What's going on there?"

"I don't know but things don't sound right about his situation. It's just a feeling I have."

Zeke pulled the truck in front of the house. Ten or more cars were already parked haphazardly around the yard. Music and conversation floated from behind the house. Zeke got out of the truck and ran around to Talia's door. Helping her with the pudding and pie she ungracefully jumped down from the truck.

Taking the pudding out of his hands she marched up to the house. Her mama had gone all out on red, white and blue decorations. There were lights, streamers and flags everywhere. It looked like a party store had thrown up on the porch.

Knocking lightly on the screen door, Zeke opened it allowing her to go first. Talia looked to see if anyone one was around and froze in the doorway to the living room. Sitting on the couch was her grandpa. Next to him sat an elderly woman holding his hand. It would have been a sweet scene if they weren't stark naked.

"Tally! Zeke! Meet Edie. Edie this is my sweet bug, Talia, and her boyfriend, Zeke."

"Nice to meet you, dear." Edie said.

Talia couldn't get words to come out.

"Ooo is that my pudding?" Her grandpa asked.

Talia nodded looking at anywhere but at her grandfather and his companion.

"Leave that with me. Edie likes pudding. She especially likes when I lick it off her."

"Oh yes. That is my favorite. You like tapioca and lady honey flavored."

"With that I'm out. It was good talking to you grandpa." Talia sped away practically leaving a Talia shaped hole in the wall.

Making her way to the kitchen she dropped the container of banana pudding a bit harder than she intended. An opened bottle of vodka sat on the counter. Taking the Smirnoff, she didn't bother using a cup. She heard footsteps approaching. Zeke walked into the kitchen looking like he'd get sick.

Swallowing the harsh alcohol, Talia asked, "Are you ok?"

Snatching the bottle out of her hand he took his own swig. "I think I will be having nightmares for ages."

"The thing is it wouldn't have been bad if they had been dressed. They were sweetly holding hands."

Zeke choked on the vodka. "You didn't look very closely, did you?"

"Well, no. The minute I saw them naked I stopped looking. Why? What did I miss?"

"Your grandpa...uhm...had his hand in her lap."

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