Chapter IV

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IV. A Night at the Stables

Reau was meant to travel with her father in the guise of her serving as his companion, someone to aid his wounds and fix his armor etc. Also with the excuse of him trying to find her a suitable husband. It was partially true but the main reason was to use her.

Who knows? Maybe he'd even use her as a pawn by marrying her off to the highest bidder.

She knew that this was so but if she didn't side with her family, then who would she side with. She was now in a strange land and she did not know anything about it.

Hopeless. That was one word to describe her situation right now.

Her father would be the only guide she had and her only family, next to Ramsay who terrified her quite a bit.

After he introduced his vicious black hounds to her, she couldn't help but feel threatened by him. He seemed like someone who would rather eat the flesh of his victims than play a fiddle. She had heard the rumors, that he was the reason why her brother died though it was never proven.

Of course, Reau played along with his little game, showing a bit of intrigue even if she couldn't care less about Ramsay and his little toys.

As her and her father travel to Winterfell, she could feel the looks of her father's men. Although it made her uncomfortable, she kept her head straight and forward. She knew what they were thinking. It was always what men thought upon seeing her.

Reau knew she stood out, especially in the North. Instead of inheriting her father's raven locks, she inherited her mother's golden hair and her golden eyes as well, not holding the same cruelty as her father's had.

Upon arriving at Winterfell, Reau couldn't help comparing it to Dreadfort. Despite both fortresses being similar in material, Winterfell seemed more... alive.

Probably because there were so much more people. Banners from all the noble houses of the North littered the courtyard. She could see the white sunburst of the House Karstark and the four silver chains of the House Umber.

What was the most seen was of course, the direwolf sigil of House Stark. Reau dismounted from her horse before being led to her room while her father heads to the great hall for the gathering.

She passed stone walls lit with torches and for a moment, she was back at Dreadfort.

"This is your room, milady. I can prepare a hot bath for you and some supper." The girl leading Reau to her room said.

"Yes. Thank you."


After a warm bath and a nice hot supper, Reau was still restless. Her father had informed her that they were to leave the next night so that there is no risk of anyone being informed of the movement so quickly.

Of course, he also didn't fail to remind her about what she was to do. To get close to Robb Stark. A man she didn't even know.

With a sigh, Reau knew that she wasn't going to sleep soundly so as quietly as she could, she slipped on her cloak and decided to head to the stables.

She passed the same dimly lit hallways and once she got outside, she was met with chilly winds. She could hear the whistle of the winds and the soft neighing of the horses.

Once she got to the stables, she headed to where her horse was, smiling as the grey mare threw her head back in recognition.

"Hey there." Reau whispered, reaching out to stroke the horse's mane. It was quite lonely really, to find company with horses more than with people.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" A deep voice asked from behind Reau, making her jump in surprise.

She spun around, only to be face to face with a boy, about her age with raven curls, staring at her with his ocean eyes.

She was entranced, to say the least, as if seeing him erased all the words she was usually able to say.


After the feast, wherein he had to show his strength by having Grey Wind bite off some of Greatjon Umber's fingers, Robb was exhausted to say the least.

To have to command men more than twice his age, he had to gain their respect and he had to show his strength. It wasn't the easiest task especially with the weight of his father's and sisters' lives resting on his shoulders.

He decided to head to the stables, just so he can go somewhere where no one relied on him. Mostly, it was to hide his emotions and to be able to get some fresh air, despite it being the middle of the night.

Once he got there though, he noticed a cloaked figure by the stalls. He immediately got suspicious, after all, it wasn't too long ago that an assassin was sent to kill his brother.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" He asked, once he got nearer, placing his hand on the hilt of his sword, prepared to attack if needed.

The figure turned around and Robb was shocked to see that it was a maiden. Just around his age, golden hair and golden eyes, as if she was gold embodied in one person.

"Forgive me, my lady. I did not mean to startle you. I just thought that you were...someone else." He quickly apologized, now a bit embarrassed that he thought she was an assassin, removing his hand from his sword.

The girl laughed softly, knowing immediately what he was implying. "I assure you, my lord, I am no spy." She jokingly said, removing the hood from her head.

Robb decided to play along with her. "Oh really? Yet you have golden hair, you must be a Lannister spy." He said, trying to hide the smile he had.

"I am? I must be that good that even I don't suspect that I am a spy." She replied, only for it to be broken by the two of them laughing.

"But really, what is your name, my lady?" Robb asked, curious as to who this golden girl is as he has never seen nor met her before. He'd know if he already had.

"A bit improper to ask for my name when I don't even know yours." She replied to him, grinning.

Robb laughed softly. This girl was such an enigma to him.

"I suppose you're right. My name is Robb. Robb Stark."

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