Chapter XXVI

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XXVI. Sweet dreams

It was so vivid. Almost too clear to be just a dream. Reau could just about make out the familiar docks she grew up to.

She was back in Braavos.

There was a golden haired man with so much laughter in his eyes. He looked every bit charming and witty. In his arms was a girl with hair just as gold as his.

"You would not have to go back, you know. We could stay here forever." The man spoke, his tones hushed and his smile mischievous but his eyes were sincere.

"You know I can't. He'd find me, he'd find us." The woman answered, frowning.

The man only laughed in reply. "As if he could do anything against me. I promise I'll protect you. You would never have to marry him."

"How would you ensure that? He would turn the whole Essos over to find me." The woman said, turning around to face him, still in his arms.

"Marry me."

With that, Reau awoke with a start. She was covered in sweat with her blanket splayed out everywhere. Her dreams had gotten worse.

It now occurred to her every night. Every night the same people. The golden haired man and woman. Both of them clearly in love and clearly on the run. It was as if her consciousness was trying to tell her something.

Maybe she had met those two before. How could she know? With a groan, she got out of bed, working on untangling the knots in her hair.

Peering at the light slipping through her tent flaps, Reau would guess that the sun had just risen.

Would it be too much to ask for a long nice sleep?

Stupid dreams. That was another thing to add to her long list of problems. It can be listed right along with Robb being more distant and her father.

Reau put on one of her simpler dresses, planning on spending the day with Titus. Perhaps, she'd talk to Jaime. Maybe she could pucker up and find the courage to talk to Robb.

Or not.


"Do you know anything about dreams, Titus?"

Titus turned to Reau as she attempted to chew the tough bread she was eating. Or at least trying to.

"Religious folks would say that they were a sign from the gods." He answered, putting bread in his mouth as well.

"What do you think?" She asked, turning to face him, her legs crossed as she sat on a small stump.

He raised an eyebrow in reply. "Why are you asking?"

Reau found herself sighing in reply. "I've been having these dreams lately. The same things over and over."

"What about?" He asked.

"This man and this woman from Braavos. It was clearly in Braavos. I know it. It's as if they're running from something but I don't know what it is they're running from." She answers, her bread forgotten.

Not that she particularly enjoyed it anyway.

"Maybe you're just missing the King in the North." He said, making her turn to him in shock.

"What makes you say that?" Reau sputtered out quickly, her eyes wide.

Surely, it was not that. She'd been having these dreams for the longest time.

Titus chuckles in reply, finding her surprise so amusing. "I'm just teasing you. Don't be so glum."

Reau rolled her eyes and shoved Titus onto the ground. "It's not funny. I need my sleep. Besides, do you know who you just sounded like?"

"Ow." He stood up, brushing himself off. "Who?"

With a smirk, she answered. "Jaime Lannister."

Titus immediately stiffened at the name making Reau laugh in victory.

Wanting to change the topic, Titus asked her. "Would you want something to help you sleep? I could ask the healer for some milk of the poppy or some dreamwine if you'd like."

She only shook her head in reply. "They would need those things for the wounded and those they need to treat. It might be more useful to them than to a girl plagued with dreams."

"But what ab-" He started.

"I'll manage, Titus." She said, before standing up. "Now it's time we paid someone a visit, shall we?"

"Who?" Just as he asked, Titus immediately showed a look of regret.

He really despised the man, didn't he. Reau thought, chuckling.

"Please no."


"I was starting to think you'd forgotten about me." Jaime Lannister smirked at her.

"If only." Reau answered as she sat on the ground in front of him.

"I have heard talks in the camp. Has the king lost interest in you?" He asked, trying to provoke her.

But of course, she would not allow him to. It would take more than a few words to provoke her to anger.

"Have you finally gone insane from the smell? It's hard to miss, actually. I could smell it from a feet away. A few more days, your father will be able to smell it from wherever he is." She smirked, wrinkling her nose.

She expected him to defend himself, to return her banter. Instead, he pushed on with his insults.

"I suppose that is common with kings. They chase a woman for a while, then move on to the next one. Robert, now Robb. More than just their names in common." He said, looking at her pitifully.

She hated it. She hated how he looked at her. Even if it was just to make fun of her.

"You don't know him." Reau answered, her breath almost caught in his throat.

Jaime didn't know Robb. But did she even know him? His anger. He once told her that he would prefer that she did not see that side of him. But she did and it scared her even if she wanted it not to.

It made her doubt him. Doubt who he truly is, doubt his side in this war. With his anger, he had planted seeds of doubt in her heart.

"I know that he's like his father. Honorable, righteous." He laughed. "But disloyal. He fathered a bastard boy, you know. Honorable Ned Stark, indeed."

"Who are you to judge him? You're not as honorable as you think you are." She frowned.

"I don't bother pretending to be honorable. But at least, I am loyal to one woman." Jaime replied.

"To your sister." Reau stated, only to follow it with a question. "Would you kill for her, Ser Jaime? Would you defy the rest of you family for her?"

He paused for a moment, looking at her questioningly before his expression became serious.

"I would. I would murder the whole of the Riverlands for her. I would gladly see the world burn, if only to be with her." He said, honestly.

She levelled him with a look of her own. "Truly?"

Just as he was about to reply, Reau jumped at the voice that answered instead.

"Lady Bolton."

Standing up and turning around, she turned to see the face of the man she had been avoiding. Even with Titus at her side, she could not help the quiver in her heart.

Looking down at her, Robb Stark's expression was one full of ice and fury. He looked as if he would like to see the world freeze over.

Unfortunately for her, his eyes were set on her.

oof I swear, I'm not doing the late updates on purpose. I just got really sick this week. But here's a pretty long chapter yayyy!! What do you think about the dreams?? What about Robb?

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