Chapter 11

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E.J.'s POV

Calypso and Eclipsa(a followers OC's)came back after scouting with Hoodie, Maskey, and Toby. The trio decided to keep looking for Wolfgirls hideouts which believe it or not she has a lot. They said they said they were going to get Calypso some vodka and Eclipsa some tequila. They want to get drunk to try to get rid of some stress. I am freaking out for two reasons. One Zalgo has Wolfgirl and Jeff and they are some of the most powerful killers here so Zalgo must have something really powerful to stop them from escaping. Two....I have a crush on Jeff and only recently I learned he was bisexual. L.J. is tryouts to calm me down because he was the first person I told. 
"We will find them I promise"
"I know we will will we find them"
"W-what do you mean?"
"I mean will we find them dead...or alive"
"I-I don't know" he got up and help his hand out to me.
"C'mon let's go and eat... If Jeff is dead or alive he wouldn't want you to stave" I simply nod and grab his hand. We walk down stairs and see Slenderman telling people what he thinks is happening.
'I think Zalgo is using the bracelet's.. If so we need to get them outta there as soon as possible because he will be willing to use the mind control ones and turn them against us' He informed us.
"WHAT!?! " I yell. They all turn around to see me.
"Zalgo is gonna turn them against us with THOSE bracelets!?! " I exclaim mad at Zalgo for stealing the bracelets from Slender.
"Weren't they experimental?" Maskey asked
'They were...Guess he decided to test them on Jeff and Wolfgirl'
"So... What would've happened if they didn't work?" I asked
'Well..they could've escaped or..." He trailed off.
"Or?... "
'Or they could've electrocuted them enough to kill them' He finished. I stood there in disbelief. They could've died because of the bracelets. No wonder slendy never tested them.. If he is going to kill someone he isn't gonna electrocute them, and he definitely wouldn't test it on one of us.  Zalgo hates us...I am not that surprised that he would test it on them. I just hope they are still alive and not burnt to a crisp.

Jeff's pocket
I was brutality beaten over and over again...but Wolfgirl. She had it worse. Since she had messed up multiple things for them they beat her till they got bored. Which was quite a while, and when I tried to help her before they were done with their 'fun'. They ended up beating me worse. So I decided to stay where I was till they left. I knew it wouldn't do us much good if we are both beaten to a pulp. They had unchained us seeing that the bracelets stopped us from escaping. When they relocked the cell I ran to her side, well more like limped. She was unconscious because of how they beat her. Jane torchered me and Wolfie torchered Wolfgirl.
"J-jeff... " She whispered.
"Shh... Save your energy you're gonna need it"
"I... I know.. You like.. E..j.. " She managed to say before she passed out again. 'How did she fingers out?... ' I managed to stop the bleeding on both of us. I knew they would be back so I tried to see if Wolfgirl's claws could help. 'Fuck they are sheathed and I don't know if she can unsheathe them with these stupid ass bracelet things on' I sigh and lay down. 'When and if we get back to the mansion I am drinking like there is no tomorrow' I thought to myself before I passed out from the pain.

I hope you like this chapter... Sorry if it sucks

Eyeless Jack x Jeff the KillerМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя