Pt 6. New Bonds

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As they were laying Regina on the couch, the pup started to wake up. Of course, her first reaction was to freak out and fight.

"Luce, Regina Luce, calm down." While Atta held the wolf down, Mavis ran her fingers through the gray fur to comfort Regina.

When it didn't seem to be doing anything, the two backed off, leaving Regina alone on the bed. She rapidly backed up till she was in the corner, staring them down with scared eyes.

"Remember us, Regina Luce? It's Mavis and Atta, Speranza's wolf parents."

The pup only growled and laid her head down on her paws. She was in panic mode and wasn't sure of anything. By staying here, Mavis and Atta would only anger her more.

"Atta and I are going to stop out; call for us when you calm down." Mavis spoke lowly, and the two crept out of the room. The was left open a crack, letting the pup get out if she needed to. As if the window wasn't already broken.

Regina watched the two leave and relaxed when the door shut. She didn't understand why she was acting this way, the people seemed friendly, and Speranza trusted them. There was a part of her that was afraid and unwilling to be hurt by strangers. That part took over, leaving the rational part behind.

Finally alone, Regina was able to calm down. She wasn't in danger anymore, no one was with her, and she was safe.

This also meant that Speranza wasn't locked in the back anymore. The wolf slowly became more present, relaxing with Regina.

'Let me guess; you have no idea why I'm like this.'

'Sadly, no. I don't remember anything you don't; we are the same. I have nothing to offer to you.'

'I don't want to be like this. I'm scared for no reason, attacking those helping me and always ready to run away. Will I ever be able to relax?'

In her mind, Regina could picture the wolf, gray, and lying on the bed. Technically she could have just looked in the mirror to see her wolf. What did her human form look like?

'You will improve with time, and I'm sure things will get better. Right now, you need to learn to trust those that are with you. Really trust them with your life.'

That was going to be more challenging than Speranza thought. Her brain was wired to be scared of everyone; no way would she be able to trust someone with her life.

She would do what she could and live with the humans. Maybe things would improve, as Speranza said. If anything, she had a home and family right now, and she would embrace it while she had it.

No longer panicked, Regina got off the bed and nosed the door open. Pack members walked past in either direction on some kind of business. She got a couple of looks, even some waves, but no one stopped Regina.

Keeping her nose to the ground, Regina caught the scent of Mavis and Atta. The man's scent went upstairs while the woman's scent went towards the pack door. She would rather be outside than in a small room, so Regina followed Mavis's scent.

Walking between legs and dodging feet, Regina made it to the kitchen. She then pawed at the scary glass door until someone finally opened it for her.

She loved being outside. It felt so free and clean; she felt relaxed. Even if Mavis wasn't out here, Regina knew she could take a nap in some shade. That sounded amazing!

Glancing around, she didn't see the woman anywhere. People were lounging in wolf and human form, but there weren't any with yellow hair. All the pack members had dark hair, black or brown, with dark skin and eyes.

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