Part 11

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A week passed. Avis' head was ringing from the conversation she had with a husband that hadn't talked to her in 2 years. She hated the conversation, hated every moment of it. She thought of it while she made pancakes for breakfast one day, thought of it while she changed Phoenix's diapers in the afternoon another day. She thought of it while she was brushing her teeth another day. 

She wasn't sure what to think of it. Avis had hoped she could handle it more calmly, but who could handle talking to someone who abandoned them all of a sudden and never came back? Tyrell had tried to call a few times. Avis didn't like to talk to him on the phone. She decided that she would write him a letter like he had. Old fashioned, but it would have to do. She pulled out her favorite black Sharpie and a piece of paper and began to write.

To Tyrell Bardot,

How are you? I'm sorry I'm doing this. Actually, scratch that. I'm not sorry at all. I've decided to write to you even after our conversation. A part of me genuinely hates to write to you. I still am. You're right. Email (or texting) is too instant, and so is the phone. I'd much rather wait, so you don't have to be hurt by my tone of voice. I hope you've thought about what you've done to Phoenix and I. I also hope you realize I'm not the type of person to easily forgive and forget. But, anyways. I guess you've found out about the fact that I don't go to work anymore, and, well, I guess you got your questions answered over the phone. Phoenix cries for you - I don't know how it's possible, since you left before he was born. I guess I'll never know. I'm planning on telling you a summary of what happened in the years that you were gone. Yeah, right. Be ready, because I will make you suffer, like I have.

From Avis 

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