Part 14

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Avis sat back on her chair, breathing heavily. Tears dripped down her cheeks and she wiped them away angrily. 

She didn't want to believe what Tyrrell had written to her, but what he wrote - damn. Some extremely sad, crazy stuff. She wiped the tears from her chin. With trembling hands, she rested the sheaf of letter paper back onto her desk. 

She slowly got up, with the feeling of pins and needles in her long legs. Avis picked up her baby as if in a trance. Phoenix snuggled against his mother's chest, snuffling. He was always as mild as a lamb. He had just gotten over his cold, and Avis was glad. "Mommy, Daddy is nice. I want to see Daddy."

Avis sighed, coming back to the present. "Well, he was being nice to you."

"Was Daddy nice you, Mommy?"

She was taken aback by the question. "You're too small to understand." Avis explained. "I'll tell you all of it when you're older."

Phoenix seemed satisfied with that answer. He put his head back on Avis's chest and closed his eyes, content.

9:00 A.M the next morning, Avis stood in her expansive kitchen making waffles. They were Phoenix's favorite breakfast, and Avis felt like having them anyways. She placed Phoenix's waffle on a grape - purple plate shaped like a dinosaur and covered it with maple syrup and blackberries - Phoenix's favorite fruit. 

She set the plate along with a sippy cup filled with cashew milk on the table, and called him down to breakfast. Phoenix came running, almost tripping over his feet on the way to his high chair. Avis lifted him up into his high chair, carefully dodging his excited, kicking legs. While Phoenix gobbled his breakfast, Avis leaned against the kitchen counter and thought about the letter that Tyrrell had sent her. It had kept her up all night last night. She thought about him, Luna Rose, and Relluna. 

Had Luna Rose really wanted to kill her? Just thinking about it made Avis feel violently sick. She made a cup of coffee to calm down her racing nerves and walked to the table along with her plate of waffles.

Avis wrapped her hands around her mug and sipped her coffee, letting the smooth, bittersweet liquid spread out on her tongue. She picked up her fork, smirking as she heard Phoenix loudly slurp his milk. 

Avis got up to get the jar full of nutmeg that she always kept in her spice cabinet. Growing up in the Caribbean, she grew up with spices, breathed spices, pretty much. She sprinkled her breakfast with nutmeg, trying to make her waffles look appetizing enough to eat.


Suspense, much?!?!

How you guys like the story so far!

XOXO, icy234

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