Part 17

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 He was in a corner booth, sipping a glass of sparkling water. His eyes were sad. Tyrrell saw Avis, let out a sorrowful smile, and beckoned her over. Avis bit her lip, feeling uncomfortable. She wasn't ready to get up close and personal with this traitor. Avis slowly walked forward and slid herself into the glass - walled booth. She hesitantly sat down on the puffy leather seat across from Tyrrell. She rearranged the throw pillows that were on the seat to her satisfaction and tried to avoid Tyrrell's pleading eyes.

"Avis?" Tyrrell almost sounded as if he was whining.

"Yes?" Avis again avoided his eyes. It hurt to talk to him.

"About my letter... you didn't think I was lying, did you?"

"No. Did you think I wouldn't believe you?" Avis asked.

"After what I did to you, Avis, yes, I think you have every right not to believe me, to think that I'm a liar." Tyrrell said, fiddling with his sweater.

Avis thought about that. Off course at first she didn't believe him. Didn't he leave before? WHAT was there to trust? Avis busied herself by studying the thick menu book. Tyrrell got up. "I need to go to the washroom. I'll be back." he said, and shuffled off. Avis didn't even look up.

Avis pulled out her phone. She thought about calling her, but she knew that right now was Phoenix's nap time - she didn't want to wake him up. Avis decided to text her mother.

Avis: Hello?

Avis: Helloooo?

Beatris: Hi, Avis. I just got your texts. I was putting Phoenix to bed.

Avis: Haha I thought so!

Beatris: So what's going on? Are you going to come pick the baby up now?

Avis: No...I was gonna ask if you can keep Phoenix for a few more hours. An unexpected person showed up and we're going to lunch at Etta's Diner.

Beatris: OK, no prob. Gotta go - Phoenix is waking up!

Avis: Bye 😏

Beatris: Bye!


Hey guyssssssssss! Just wanted to let you know that I am currently working on a book called "Just A Little More" and I was hoping that you guys will go check it out once it's finished! It would mean so much to me!

XOXO, icy234

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