Feitan: Accidents Happen

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            The phantom troupe is on the move once again, invading the auction to acquire the rumored cursed jewel that whoever possesses it may have the power to give the owner good luck but also bad luck, depending on the jewel. No one knows how to avoid having the bad luck. It is a mysterious object that caught the interest of the Phantom Troupe and they are willing to take the risks.

            Chrollo, Feitan, Shalnark and Franklin are wearing their tuxedos and entered the auction hall. They are going to do something different from what they did in the past, but they have to take extra caution because the security system tripled since the previous attacks and incidents during big auctions.

"Ahh... It feels so good to be back" Chrollo let out a satisfied sigh as he and his companions sat down

"I'm really happy you're here again, Danchou. It never feels the same without you" Shalnark smiled

"Since you're here now Danchou, are we going to recruit another member? We have Kalluto to fill in for Hisoka but, I feel we needed new ones to fill in for Paku and Uvo" Franklin said

            Chrollo lightly rubbed his jaw, "hmmm... Maybe. If I see someone interesting and worthy, we can take that person"

"We don't need another" Feitan said

"Don't be like that, Feitan. It's not that bad" Shalnark replied.

            Mr. Harold Lainne and his team with two more teams has been assigned to watch the auction, and with him is a fresh Blacklist Hunter, Miss Nira Gordon. A 20-year-old trainee of the team, but a trained martial artist. She's a transmuter and has the ability to move anything with her mind, but that ability wasn't completely developed yet.

            Nira, who is wearing a black dress with loose skirt that reaches her knee, is currently sitting with her captain, just in line with where Chrollo and his companions are.

"Nine o'clock, Gordon" Harold said in a low voice, slightly leaning towards Nira. She turned to her left and saw the Phantom Troupe

"Isn't that Chrollo?" She turned back to Harold and he nodded.

            The auction began and they waited until the cursed jewel was presented. It is a shiny scarlet jewel used as a necklace. Harold leaned once again and in a low voice, said, "notice how it changes color" and so, Nira did. Even if it's difficult to really see from afar, she did notice. While the auction carries on, the two conversed

"What does it mean?" Nira asked

"I read that when it's constantly changing color, it can sense danger. It stays scarlet when calm. The rest, is all learned by experience"

"No more?" The auctioneer asked the audience, "going once..."

            Nira turned to look at Chrollo

"Going twice!"

"Gordon, get ready" Harold commanded and went to speak through his earpiece. "Everyone in position"

"Going thrice!"

"Let's move" Chrollo said to his comrades.

            Franklin stood up as the auctioneer sold the item and began shooting from his fingers

"Get down!" Harold pulls Nira and they ducked on the ground. People tried to get away but were hit by the bullets. Everything got loud and the third team with Harold broke in to counterattack but Feitan took them out immediately.

"Shura! Armon!" Harold called on his earpiece

"Olla captain!" One of the guys answered

Nira raised her head a bit to take a glimpse of the Phantom Troupe and saw Shalnark on his phone and looked at her companions. She saw that her team and two others are under his control

One Shots (Killua X OC, Kurapika X OC, and Feitan X OC)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora