Feitan: My Father's Blood

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In this story, Feitan is Nira's dad, so no romance but I might make Killua her love interest. Details about her love story will be written if this story is chosen. However, the focus of the story is more on Feitan as a father to Nira. She doesn't have siblings here and she lived with the gamblers and thieves on the streets after running away from the orphanage.


"What are you going to do about it, Fei?" Phinks asked in a low voice so he won't wake the kid sleeping with her head on Matchi's lap.

Phinks and Nobunaga found this young lady stealing in the trading market without anyone noticing. They saw how good she was. Then she bumped them. Knowing it was on purpose, Phinks checked his pockets and his money was gone. They chased after her and easily caught her.

They made a bargain, she will give the money if they help her find someone. They agreed after a short arguement and the lady pulled out a rolled paper and gave it to them. When they read through it, they couldn't believe it. It was a letter from her deceased mother addressed to her father named Feitan Portor. And that's how she ended up in the Phantom Troupe's hideout.

"She's not mine, throw her out" Feitan answered

"Bullsh**! Do you think of this as a joke?!" Nobunaga stood up, his eyes flared

"You'll wake her up" Matchi reminded him, her hand covering the little girl's ear.

"She's a twelve-year-old who learned on her own and made a living. She doesn't need me" Feitan looked at everyone from the windowsil he was sitting on

Nobunaga felt angry, knowing Feitan was running away from his responsibility was enough for him to draw his sword. He can never handle a person who felt no shame after what he had done and tried to just turn his back on it instead of taking responsibility.

"Enough" Chrollo, as calm as usual, said to Nobunaga.

"Tch!" Nobunaga kept his katana and just turned his back on his comrade.

Chrollo called Feitan for a private talk and convinced him to accept the child. Afterall, the mother requested him to take Nira when she passes. Now that the mother is gone, it's all on Feitan. He was reluctant and frustrated but he didn't have a choice, he has to take responsibility. Chrollo told him that the troupe will support him in any way they can and give the child a family.

"Nira wake up" Machi gently shook the little girl. Nira groaned and stirred, then she stretched and opened her eyes

"Oh, hey"

"Feitan wants to see you" Machi informed.

Nira frowned at the idea of seeing him now. When she met him, she didn't expect him to be a notorious criminal but when she thought again, she saw their similarities. She is a thief but she never killed.

She fixed herself and washed up. She went to the hill where Feitan is laying down under the tree. Nira approached, and as she reached him, she just stared down at his resting figure.

"What?" She asked him in a rather cold and rude tone

"Did your mother teach you to speak that way?" Feitan asked while still closing his eyes

One Shots (Killua X OC, Kurapika X OC, and Feitan X OC)Where stories live. Discover now