Feitan : Voice of the Sea

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Chrollo has given a reward to the troupe for doing such a great job from their last operation. They had succesfully stolen an ancient key to the ancient underwater city. It is a small blue stone with smooth edges and surfaces. It was made into a necklace. The city is not Atlantis though, it's somewhere else that they haven't named yet. They are sailing in the ocean in search of the lost city with the help of a map they also stole. While on the trip it will also be their vacation

"Ahh~ this feels so refreshing!" Shalnark inhaled the air while the cool breeze blows at them

"It sure is" Nobunaga agreed

"Oi Kalluto! Don't fall off!" Phinks yelled at Kalluto who is sitting on one of the sails.

"I won't!" She yelled back

The ocean where the lost city may be is rumored to have a sea witch watching over the area. They said she is the protector who in the past uses her voice to lure greedy sailors into her trap and devour them into oblivion. True or not, they're excited about it.

It took hours before the breeze suddenly vanished and the waves became calm. Something wasn't right and they know it. It was completely silent, and they're in the middle of no where. Everyone stayed still and cautious. Shizuku went to Shalnark who was behind the wheel

"What do you think is going on?" She asked in a hushed voice

"You don't remember, but the stories say that when you entered the sea witch's territory, the ocean becomes silent" he replied in the same hushed tone.

"But that also means, you are near the lost city's location" Nobunaga added in his normal volume voice while he's peering at the map Chrollo was holding out for both of them to see.

Chrollo kept the map, "she should be close" he said and it was silent. After a few more seconds, a singing voice was heard and the water began to produce small waves making the ship rock a bit

"She's coming" Bonolenov said while he's on the side of the boat, looking down at the water.

Little by little, the waves got stronger and the skies went darker. A figure was forming at the bottom of the ocean moving up towards the surface, and there she was. In a form of a gigantic sea serpent made of water and has eyes that glow green, she had revealed herself.

"Wasn't sea monster the right term instead of a sea witch?" Machi said in a louder voice for her comrades to hear

"Who cares? We have an enemy and we're going to fight it off!" Nobunaga answered.


It was a rough fight, and in the end, when they defeated the sea monster, its body gave up and dropped back to where it came from. But that wasn't all. A young lady was floating on the surface of the water. Machi was asked to haul her up with her nen strings and when the lady was laid on the ship, they were all looking at her wondering where she came from. But that would've been obvious by now

"She's that sea serpent, right?" Franklin said.

They're all surrounding her in a circle, looking down at her. She had a beautifully waved dark brown hair and she's wearing an ocean blue thin dress.

"I don't think I should be saying this but she's pretty" Shalnark said which dragged everyone's eyes on him, looking at him like he said something wrong. "What?" He asked

The lady stirred and opened her eyes, and Nobunaga, Feitan and Machi prepared their weapons immediately. Her eyes were glowing green but then, they slowly faded to brownish-red. She grunts softly as she helps herself sit up and when she gazed up at the people around her, she was confused

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