Feitan: Voice of the Sea 2

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They finally arrived at a dock in Perilla Island and got off their ship. Bonolenov, Kortopi, Nobunaga, Kalluto and Franklin stayed to keep watch while the rest went with Nira to start looking for her friend, and might as well go shopping for her clothes and other needs.

They divided themselves in two groups. Machi, Shalnark, and Shizuku in one team and Chrollo, Feitan and Phinks will stay with Nira. She gave descriptions and other information about her friend Tamara before the three went off. As they walk in the public market with stores displaying interesting things aside from basic needs, Nira was almost gawking at everything. She is happy and excited at how things changed for the past forty years.

"You're starting to love it aren't you?" Phinks said

"Definitely!" Nira beamed at him with a wide smile. Then in a second, she composed herself again, feeling a bit awkward "definitely" she said in her normal voice

"We'll take you to a tour then" Chrollo held out his arm and Nira took it without hesitating

"Quite a gentleman, aren't you?" Nira smiled

Chrollo shrugged "you can say that" he replied then they both walked ahead of Phinks and Feitan who looked just surprised



"Since when did Danchou become interested?"

"He's not interested" Feitan walked ahead

Phinks followed him and walked alongside him "well, then what do you call that?" He pointed at Nira holding on to Chrollo's arm.

            Feitan stared at that for a while, contemplating with the new feeling he's getting. Then he finally answered, "friendly tour guiding"

Phinks stopped on his tracks while Feitan just continued walking, "yeah right" he muttered then followed.

            They toured the whole market while buying what Nira finds a need and few of wants. She would ask the sellers about an object she's not familiar with which made them give her a strange look,

"It's called an iphone, ma'am" a man who looked around his twenties looked at her in disbelief. Who wouldn't know what a phone is in this generation? In Nira's case, even from her last visit, she never saw the old model phones

Feitan then pulls her by the arm "save yourself from embarrassment, you idiot" he muttered

"Feitan, I was looking at that marvelous object!"

"Zip your mouth or I will" Feitan shot her a glare then continued pulling her away from the crowd that are giving them stares.

            When they got tired, they stopped by a ramen shop and had lunch

"What about Shalnark and the others?" Feitan asked Chrollo

Chrollo swallowed the food in his mouth then answered, "we'll pack some for the others, including those back in the ship. I'm sure they'll be jealous if we don't"

"These noodles tastes the same from forty years ago" Nira comments without realizing that the man working there was near them.

            He slowly turned to her and looked at her skeptically and gave her a wierd look "forty..." he began and Nira stopped her chopsticks with noodles halfway to her mouth as she looked at him. He looked like he is in his forties of fifties with dark brown hair and a ruggedly handsome face.

"Damn it" Phinks softly said

Chrollo and Feitan also had a slight panic and tried to think of a lie or excuse to tell the man. Before Chrollo could talk, Machi, Shizuku and Shalnark suddenly arrived

One Shots (Killua X OC, Kurapika X OC, and Feitan X OC)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat