Killua: Hatred Against Caring

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They always argue, but they sometimes agree with each other. They despise each other's attitude, but they also care for each other. People say, 'the more you hate, the more you love' how much does that apply to them?


           Another glorious day without her, Killua feels toxic free and relieved. He bets she feels the same about him. Nira, the lady he always clashes with in every single thing they can argue about, even in petty little things.

            Today, he's going on an adventure with Gon as usual. They're going to find a certain plant that can cure the disease spreading in a certain village hidden away in the mountains The disease has killed hundreds of them and still counting. During the travel, Gon and Killua stopped by that village and the chief asked them the favor of looking for the herbal medicine and the two boys agreed.

            There was another person whom the chief asked though, but he wasn't sure if she was interested to help since she left without a word.

"Who do you think that was, Killua?" Gon asked while they walk in the forest

"I don't care really. Whoever that is...." Killua paused a thought struck him, then he muttered "I hope it's not that witch"

"Hmm?" Gon hummed at him in question

"Nothing" Killua puts his hands behind his head as he shrugged

"You better be careful with the names you call other people" a female spoke out of nowhere

            The boys halted and looked around

"Up here" the lady said and when the boys looked up at a tree, the culprit jumped down and landed right in front of them

"For the love of-- oh for God's sake, Nira!" Killua yelled

"It's surprising to see you here, Zoldyck" she rested a hand on her waist and held that authoritative look on her face

"Gordon" Killua huffed in annoyance

            Gon sweat dropped "can't you two just get along?"

"I don't have time for this, I still have a cure to find, and if you plan on getting there before I do, you better think twice" Nira turned around and walked ahead of them

"So you're that girl the chief in the village was talking about?" Gon asked as he quickly followed behind her. Killua on the other hand just looked at the two ahead with an 'I-can't-believe-this' kind of face

'So it is that witch, damn it' Killlua complained in his thoughts then grumbled as he followed suit

            The three of them agreed to go together after almost fifteen minutes of argument between Snow White and the evil witch: The description that Nira came up with, Killua being Snow White which he found annoying of course. But having no more room to argue, they went to search for the plant.

They gave themselves until sunrise to find the plant and the last time they checked, it's already 2 A.M in the morning. After that last time check, they decided to split up and then meet up in the village when the sun rises. Killua was so relieved and left immediately, leaving Gon with Nira

"He really despises you that much?" He asked

"It is expected, I despise him as well so it's even" Nira answered then turned around to walk away, Gon followed her

"So... I know you and Killua don't like each other but... Deep down, Nira, do you really hate him that much?" he asked while he walked alongside her

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