Siblings and Coworkers

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Tengetsu had been stuck with filing papers for most of the day; he couldn't really expect that much right away, he was new after all. He let out a heavy sigh and laid his head onto a nearby desk. "Geez, who knew paperwork could be so tiring?" He messed with his hair. Tengetsu looked up at the clock, 3:30. "I guess that was all I had today?" he whispered to himself. He opened the door, and saw Daniel getting ready to leave as well. "So you finished all that paperwork already?" He asked with quizzical eyes. "Yes, it's all done. Was that all I had to do for today?" He looked up at his new partner. He paused, " oh yea, that was all. Good work on your first day then." Tengetsu looked back over at Daniel. "Where are you going now?" He was curious. Daniel was putting his jacket on, and he looked over at Tengetsu. "To Resurgam, I'm supposed to meet my sister there after she's done with her first day." Hmm, Resurgam.. That's where my sister works too, Tengetsu thought. "Would you mind if I come too? I have a sister who works there as well." Daniel thought about it for a moment. "Sure, but I'm driving" he laughed, and grabbed his keys.-------- ------------------------------------------ Resurgam~ Kaiya had just finished with her shift and was getting ready to leave. "You did good, for your first day." Trevor smiled. "Thanks.." she lowered her head down. "I'm gonna go get my things." She headed towards the enterance, but bumped into a strange figure. She looked up, and slid away quickly. The man she bumped into was Tengetsu. "I-I'm sorry about that.." he rubbed the back of his neck and looked away. "It's alright. I know you didn't mean to do that." Kaiya looked up at him and half smiled. "I better go get my stuff.." She paused, and turned back to grab her things from her office. Tangetsu's eyes followed her. "Who was that?" he asked Daniel, not noticing he was blushing slightly. "Dude, that's my sister." Daniel chuckled. "Plus I'm used to guys getting all googly eyed over her." He sighed. "H-huh? That wasn't what I was-" Tangetsu tried to explain, but that only made him more flustered. Daniel started to mock him for that.. Kaiya walked back to the enterance, this time with her things. She looked up at Tengetsu. "Hi again.. I'm guessing you met my brother?" she smiled. "Kaiya, this is Tengetsu, he's my new partner." Daniel explained. "Oh, well that makes sense.. And I guess since we kind of bumped into each other, we didn't get an introduction. Well, he already told you but.. I'm Kaiya, it's nice to meet you Tengetsu." she looked up at him and gestured to shake his hand. Tengetsu still blushed slightly but covered it up pretty well. Daniel looked at the two of them again and smiled. "Well, shall we go?" He asked. "Wait! Tangetsu!" A voice called from afar. Another girl, about their age ran over. "Glad to see you could make it" Arya smiled. Kaiya looked over at them. "Who's this?" Tengetsu sighed, " This is my sister Arya." He explained. "Big sister." She corrected. "Oh please, by one year." Tengetsu argued. Kaiya laughed, which made Tengetsu look down and smile. "Come on you guys, let's go.." Daniel stated impatiently as he jingled his car keys.---

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